Organics in Hydro with coco what?!?!


Active Member
Yip that's right, it's funny I see a lot of people on here saying mixed things about it I have used Roots line in the past with little success in hydro set ups as well as many other name brands. I have noticed that the the EC and Ph fluctuate like crazy and you end up with burned plants. I found the best success with swapping out their grow and bloom for (if its organic coco grow) GO grow and bloom (it claims to be veganic which is even better IMO) but otherwise as a chemical nute i would recommend the sensi grow AB
and bloom. The problem with using organics in reservoirs and tables, I have found is you get bad anaerobic bacteria and not only does it stink and burn the plants it will rot your roots. when you add bubblers to it, it happens that much faster! I've narrowed it down to the gauno in most cases. I have found that using coconut water unfiltered is not only amazing for multiple nutes but also a tasty flush and for most strains i do 1-2tsp per gallon. in conjunction with your base nutes. can use coconut water as a good substitute for cal/mag and potassium it contains iron and many antioxidants and complex vitamins (that believe it or not aren't just good for us humans but also for the plants!!) I have found also using Triton's trawel very effective in this regime of things and also a fantastic folair spray for flowering! Speaking of folair spray i know of a great one. but superthrive is also in the mix and humic acid. I typically grow a veganic coco in smart pots but all my experience is with hydro. We us a GH waterfarm model we built our own for under $20 as you need the plumbing kits (you dont but its worth the ease)... then we screen the bottom so coco doesn't spill into the bottom bucket.
My hydro coco mix is:
60%coco (canna coco)
20% perlite
10% carbon
10%EWC (they work just fine in hydro and in early veg you can go easy on the grow formula) ;)
if adding coconut water my veg would be:
2tsp sensi Grow A&B
1tsp DynaGro ProTekt
1tsp Coconut water (filter pulp)
I do not use R/O water but i do treat my water to remove chloramine and chlorine.

My veg Watering is:
2tsp each Sensi A&B
1 tsp DynGro Protekt
1 tsp Mr. Muchistache Cal/mag (Though I swapped for Coconut water which gave better success same ratio 1tsp)

My flowering is:
1.5tsp Sensi Connoisseur A&B
2tsp Molasses (i know people say it makes no difference in hydro I will beg to argue)
1tsp ProTekt
1.5 tsp coconut water
1tbs Triton's Trowel
2tsp Roots Organic
.5tsp floralicious plus
4mL Humboldt County Own Gravity (or whatever the name is now)
1tsp crystal burst (i work my way to that with each feeding)
4mL Snow Storm

Those are for my hydrofarm bucket grows my Smart pot grow formula's are very different can post those if need be but honestly for that I do a tea mixture and teas i feel are more specific to the grower and his plants but I'd be happy to share those recipes as well. ughhh I think that is all (bit medicated) I will try to update this and get journal going but i am currently going through court proceedings even though I live in a medical state we still get raided sad... which is what sparked me into revealing my secrets and tips crawling out from the wood works heh. Anyways hope this helps some and any questions please ask i know i left out so much. I also make a folair spray that is pesticide/antiviral/anti-fungal and an amazing glass cleaner and disinfectant so I will have to get a variation to you guys at some point!!
Happy Grows much love to the gardens!!