organigram looking pretty decent.

actually organigram is a pseudo organic company like the whistlers.. if you read the organic regs its pretty obvious that to be organic needs to be grown under the sun, electrical lighting is to be supplemental only.. that's a pretty big fail on the part of the certifiers.. organic certification is a big joke for the most part.. the certifiers are mostly concerned about paperwork, barely concerned about food quality.. they don't test the end product (to determine if it is actually "organic"), it is up to the consumer to test but that ain't happening.. it's a marketing system, based on trust..
ITAL IS VITAL thanks for pushing in a more natural direction. You are probably the only one here who sees that and who cares. Bless Brother.


Well-Known Member
I forgot to add. My doc told me that he had a canni-med sales Rep in his office bright and early this morning. Also that one of his MMAR buddies got busted last week with 36 plants over his limit. 5000 dried grams and a stack of money. Goes to court in a couple weeks and will probably be facing jail time. They only charged him with the dried bud and the 36 plants. The forty he is allowed to have, they let him off on.


Well-Known Member
Oh fuck PLEASE ????
.Defend yourself!!!

people can be so fucking ignorant!
and if they can't afford a LLB? defending yourself in court but hard to do unless you do TONS of research. don't forget the adage-"he who represents himself has a fool for a client"
you're rude to someone who says something like that? wants to stay legal so the family stays together...what's wrong with that? everyone situations are different.


Well-Known Member
[QUOTE="Pactually organigram is a pseudo organic company like the whistlers.. if you read the organic regs its pretty obvious that to be organic needs to be grown under the sun, electrical lighting is to be supplemental only.. that's a pretty big fail on the part of the certifiers.. organic certification is a big joke for the most part.. the certifiers are mostly concerned about paperwork, barely concerned about food quality.. they don't test the end product (to determine if it is actually "organic"), it is up to the consumer to test but that ain't happening.. it's a marketing system, based on trust..[/QUOTE]


Well-Known Member
[QUOTE="Pactually organigram is a pseudo organic company like the whistlers.. if you read the organic regs its pretty obvious that to be organic needs to be grown under the sun, electrical lighting is to be supplemental only.. that's a pretty big fail on the part of the certifiers.. organic certification is a big joke for the most part.. the certifiers are mostly concerned about paperwork, barely concerned about food quality.. they don't test the end product (to determine if it is actually "organic"), it is up to the consumer to test but that ain't happening.. it's a marketing system, based on trust..
Huh? Lol.

The Hippy

Well-Known Member
ITAL IS VITAL thanks for pushing in a more natural direction. You are probably the only one here who sees that and who cares. Bless Brother.
Peter do they pay you well the to be a schroll ?
I knew your worked for one of the LP's by the way you can't be insulted personally. If you really genuine, you would be more angry on a personal level. Instead your constant promoting of LP's has more of a " this is my job " nature to it. Everything about your style says " business agenda ".It's easy to spot the worker on here. They aren't in it personally like the rest of us are. Your passion is pretty low but your salesmanship is pretty aggressive.... a dead give-a way peter
It's pretty sad that whoever sent you here think our little group had any influence over your empire. But hey I guess our shit talk had more to it after all. It has attracted a few of you employee's to this site before.
Outed...Mr Schroll
Yes I love Organic Unpasturized Cannabis ... Welcome to ORGANIGRAM..
  • Issued from Organic Cannabis plants as certified by Ecocert Canada
  • Dried and cured for optimal quality
  • No gamma irradiation or cold pasteurization
  • No synthetic nutrients or pesticides


Well-Known Member
He's saying they're not really organic, since they actually don't meet the stricter, real organic regulations. It's pseudo-organic.
I know what the post meant. I just didn't understand why it was quoted but nothing written with it.


Well-Known Member
Hey not to sound bitchy or anything but, can't we all get along for fuck sakes?!
Do we all not smoke the herb that helps? Do we all not agree the system blows for all of us? Some people cannot afford to take risks. Some of us can!
Some have to think of our families, jobs, and how this impacts their lives.
Some people can spout off like they're the fucking second of christ. Others sit back and listen.
Why pick on other patients? Why pick on the rebel growers? Seriously, take a moment and remember that we all are here for the same reason.


Well-Known Member
Won't happen ^
Tried that a few times.

gb123 has anger issues and uses the forum to vent.
Hippy is way too happy all the time and hates anyone who smells like LP weed.
Peter Tosh is a bit schizo and can't decide which LP to shill for - he's still waiting to compare commission cheques I think.
GRANNYMACK420 just hates me. Otherwise, he seems half decent.

Getting along is just not something that happens here :)
But, it's our diversification and deliberations that makes it so entertaining and educational.
On the plus side, we have people like Big Pauly, leaffan, WHATFG, nsbudca and others that bring real information, kind insights and less hatred.


Well-Known Member
Won't happen ^
Tried that a few times.

gb123 has anger issues and uses the forum to vent.
Hippy is way too happy all the time and hates anyone who smells like LP weed.
Peter Tosh is a bit schizo and can't decide which LP to shill for - he's still waiting to compare commission cheques I think.

Getting along is just not something that happens here :)
But, it's our diversification and deliberations that makes it so entertaining and educational.
Ha ha I know.
God. I feel like Helen Lovejoy screaming, "Won't someone think of the children! ?"