Our First Harvest!!!


Well-Known Member
The trichlones are starting to amber up. We are going to harvest in the next 2-3 days, any drying techniques? It's a small plant, we don't need much room.
Thanks..see pics attached..:weed:



Well-Known Member
Looking good<><>, :eyesmoke:.<><>,.I have a tote with strings rigged up in it I just hang up em upside down,I also cut square shape holes on the bottom of the tote on both ends so I can open and close to get air circulating.Dry in a dark for 7-10 days in 70-75 degrees far. and cure in a mason jar for another 3-7 days open lid daily 1-2x's a day.


Well-Known Member
u can also just rig a carboard box with strin goin across and use sum close pins an hang em up and close the box in a couple of days ur stems shoulk snap, then move to jars i would burp jars for a month for ultmate flavor.
