out door grower needs help with lights


:roll:bongsmilie:peace::confused:hey guys ...i have 3 plants growing outside...but alot of people know about them..i have a stealth grow room and im moving them from outdoor to indoor so there not stolen...what kind of lights will i need for 3 plants.is a 150whps okay?


a lot of people know is because i had a party and someone went on a little hike..found them and told everyone...and one plant has been topped and is only 2 ft..but the other one is a monster witch is 4ft and growing..the small one is already budding so im going to induce flowering on the huge one with 12/12....the other plant is the same size as the topped one btw:confused:


Active Member
so weed grower, has party and party goers figure out he grows weed. ummm this sounds like a story with a bad ending. I hope nobody rats on you man. Good luck with this!


Active Member
Lol pop the big one, take the small one and put it the same height as the big and i would run a 400 hps.
I just seen some hairs on mine outside two days ago

luvvin growin

Active Member
how big is the room?stealthgrowing has a little cab w/150 watts,and its one of the best I've seen,you should check his out....


Active Member
Are they in pot's ? Or are they in the ground ? Be careful not to stress them out, you don't want to get hermies ! I would use a 400 watt HPS, but that's just me! Oh yea and no more Parties!!!!! Good luck man!!!! Peace