Out of Control! Will They Slow Down?

I switched to 12/12 after 1 month of veg at a height of 12". In 1.5 weeks since going 12/12 they have doubled in height. Will they slow down?? I only have about 36" - 42" between crown of plants and burn zone of the light and they are already 24" high now.

I have read and been told to expect them to triple in size during flowering, so I finished veg at 12". Hope these things don't get too big.

Any suggestions?




Well-Known Member
I like your set up. :)

Do your roots clog your pipes at all?

As far as your question, I think they might shoot up another foot or so, I think you will be fine if I am reading your post correctly.

It looks like you have some nute burn going on as well but hard to tell with blurry pics. All in all, looks like a good grow. :)
The nute burn appearance you see is just light affecting the photo. I was shooting in RAW and when I converted to JPEG I went a little light on the quality so they would load quicker. When things get ready to finish up I will take some good high res shots. Definitely no nute burn cause these things look great.

So far, no root clogging. I knew that was a possibility with this setup, but as you can see I only have a small space and finding a flood table that fit a 22" x 22" closet was an impossible task.

1st grow and very pleased with how well things are going so far. Now I am just waiting to sample the harvest.



Active Member
Im new to growing but your setup looks so sick, i might have to use your ideas for my grow room next grow... i only have a 25" x 27" space and i have been trying hard to get things to look good. but as for harvesting, you have a long time to wait, im on week 4-5 of flowering and im maybe half way there..... but looks good keep up the good work and let us know how things go
Im new to growing but your setup looks so sick, i might have to use your ideas for my grow room next grow... i only have a 25" x 27" space and i have been trying hard to get things to look good. but as for harvesting, you have a long time to wait, im on week 4-5 of flowering and im maybe half way there..... but looks good keep up the good work and let us know how things go
I wouldn't have minded buying a manufactured setup . . . but sized dictated a custom build. It probably wasn't any cheaper since the big PVC gets expensive. Right now there are 8 plants and somehow ALL FEMALES. Don't know how that happened from bag seeds, but they are all definitely female. How would I know if they were hermaphrodites? I've read about hermies on here, but haven't seen anything on how to identify them before they ruin a crop. Will the plants just have flowers and balls?


your light needs to be closer to the plants? its kind of hard to tell with the pictures you provided... but you look fine other than that....


Well-Known Member
i will echo again, great setup! (hermies) yes, u would see bananas/balls, clusters of them within the plant. If u have truly identified them as all females at this point, unless the seeds came from hermie plants, as long as u dont stress them out with light leaks, etc then u shouldnt have to worry about them going hermie. u have to check all ur branches often & if u find one u have to either cut off the balls if u can & there r only a few OR u choose to seperate &/or kill off the hermie plant as not to pollinate the rest of ur grow. ur height room should be fine, i know at first when they start exploding with vertical growth it is like WOW & u think when is this going to end, but it will; however ur plants have a ways to go yet before they stop.
UPDATE - No new pics yet, though

So . . . these little monsters are not stopping. I began to veg at 12" tall hoping to finish around 36" tall. I am now 4 weeks into flowering and the plants vary in height from 36" to 48"+. I am guessing this could be a symptom of lights not being close enough. 6 of the plants are growing close to the light while 2 are growing above the light around the reflector. The plants look healthy, have lots of buds & very minimal light burn on two of the eight plants.

Any recommendations on what to do with over-sized plants at only 4 weeks flowering? How much taller are they likely to grow? I know it would be easier to opine with new pics, but I won't be able to get them for a few days since I am not on site.

On the setup - Thanks for the compliments. It is not perfect, but it is the best I could do with the 22" x 22" closet. I am considering 12/12 from seed next time due to space limitations. I appreciate the veterans out there answering questions for us newbies.

Here are the updated photos.

Please let me know what I should have done to keep these things from getting this tall.

How much more will these things grow? I've got at least 3-4 weeks left before they are ready.

Grow Summary:
400 Watt HPS
4 weeks into 12/12 that started at 12"
ebb & flow
8 plants from bagseeds
100% females (somehow)

Thanks in advance.


Well-Known Member
top em man might help ya next time to late this grow

try pulling some arms away from the light if ya can without breakin em
I am going to pull them away tomorrow. Only 2 have a little light burn at the top, but I don't want the rest to get that way.

Will these things continue to grow taller?

I think next time I am going to experiment with scrog with only 4 plants next time to keep things more compact.


Well-Known Member
veg for longer or top em. i feel ur pain, pulled back my main 2 colas on my sativa weeks ago, & the little runt clone I flowered at a mere 6" grew to over 3 feet before it stopped, although pitifully thin & almost no bud. U have seen the worst of it, they should grow little to nothing for the rest of the time vertically, now here's to them filling out!

U can never go wrong with scrog, or lst like I am doing all my plants currently.
They did not stop growing!!!

6 of the 8 still look great despite being too close to the light, but 2 died before they finished filling out and I cut them off today. The tops were crumbly due to light burn and the bottoms were fairly moist, but still already smokable. How can I salvage as much flavor from these as possible since I didn't get a chance to do a proper cure from fresh cut buds. Right now, the salvaged buds are in a jar. Any suggestions for a final effort to prevent this from turning into hay smelling weed? It smells and tastes alright now, but I know it can lose flavor and fragrance without curing. What should I do?

Thanks in advance . . .
10 weeks yesterday since switch to 12/12. Harvested 2 plants when they got ready. The rest have started to flower again . . . now covered with white pistils. I have confirmed that this is not a light problem. Closet is sealed and leak free during the off hours and never opened during the on hours. What else could cause this, and how do I make it stop? I am ready to harvest.

Mort Fink

New Member
"Please let me know what I should have done to keep these things from getting this tall." TokinSince'95

Have you considered finding a short indica strain to grow, maybe ordering some? Looks like you got some sativas and thats why they are getting so tall.