Outdoor Bagseed Grow

ur plant just made me hard.. my first plant just sprouted this morning and its an inch tall now but im not sure if i should top it or not ? and will it increase the yeild ?

keeep on growing !


Well-Known Member
It depends on alot. Are you growing outdoors or indoors? As late as it is in the season, I wouldnt top em if they are going outside. If you are growing indoors, topping usually does help if you are using low watts. Depends on the strain too.


Well-Known Member
I love bag seed..thats what all 3 of my plants are..i love not knowing what i might come up with lol..its like winning the lotto ha ha

someone else

Active Member
They look great Kush!

That's a great job of camoflaguing your grow area...they blend in very well to the environment.

What kind of sun do they get throughout the day? Just curious.


Well-Known Member
Thx someone else! They start getting sun about 9:30 in the morn, and after 6 they are starting to get shaded. I will post pics once a week till they are done. I have 5 small plants too, but they are only about a foot and a half tall. Will post some pics of them down the road, if they turn out producing anything descent.


Well-Known Member
They look great man last year i grew bagseed hey its free seeds why not learn and use less money great job!


Well-Known Member
Thx...I had to move out of state, or I would still be growing skunk kush. Couldnt bring any clones with me, so I lost the strain of 12 yrs : ( I have grown quite a few diff strains from attitude over the yrs, and I ordered WW WR GWS from GHS's and Burmese Kush from TH Seeds that should be here today!!!!! Plus the freebees!! They will be my outdoor project for next year.


Well-Known Member
No...I was doing SOG and when I started them on 12/12 I would cut clones from the base and by the time they were done budding the next batch was ready to take thier place. I did have a mother for over 2 yrs, she was like a tree! I have a buddy that has the strain, but he lives 2 states away and we dont talk much anymore. I wish I still had pics on here, but I deleted them from my photobucket acc when I had a little scare. Oh well, there is always something better you end up running across.


Well-Known Member
No...I was doing SOG and when I started them on 12/12 I would cut clones from the base and by the time they were done budding the next batch was ready to take thier place. I did have a mother for over 2 yrs, she was like a tree! I have a buddy that has the strain, but he lives 2 states away and we dont talk much anymore. I wish I still had pics on here, but I deleted them from my photobucket acc when I had a little scare. Oh well, there is always something better you end up running across.

I know what you mean...oh well things happen for a reason