outdoor chernobyl

hi guys

I have my plant out and it's a small fledgling. It has about 3 or 4 nodes, still very small, but the top is now burning up. I haven't put any nutrients into it yet because I am still letting it get a little bigger and going to transplant it into a big bucket. Well, the top leaves look like the edges are dying off, the plant has lots of green life still but the edges of the plant are brown and easy to take off. I don't know if it is getting too much sun? Not being watered enough? I don't have pictures, can't get pictures. Described the best I can.. any ideas? I am thinking of putting fish emulsion on it tomorrow to give it some nitrogen.
so my leaves are still turning burnt at the ends, I put it in a spot where it'll get less sun through out the day, I suppose it's burning up but still not sure...


Well-Known Member
If it was under lights and then put outside, you have to slowly acclimate it. I got some clones, threw them outside and same thing happened. Over a week's time I increased their time in direct sunlight while keeping them in the shade the rest of the time. They got fucked up, but 2 weeks later are doing fine.
I have had it outside in a pot, it is ok, has four nodes of leaves but the only good nice ones are the top set, the others are either green with brown or just turned brown and crumbly. I will slowly add sunshine to them, thank you for the reply. I was beginning to think no one knew what was happening


If you are using water out of the tap check the ph, you might have bad tap water that you are giving it and with a high or low ph the plant cannot get proper nutreints or photosytasize properly. If that fails maby you are giving it to much sun and have to acclamate it to the outdoors verys slowly. The starin might not be ok for outdoors
only nutes I use is organic fish emulsion and blood and bone meal, haven't started the blood and bone meal yet. I put it in a better spot today, now the sun isn't hitting it as much and it looks healthier.

I do use tap water, but I leave it out for a day so the chlorine will evaporate out of it. I used to not do that, I have reverse osmosis water.. would probably be better to use it instead

I'm glad to hear it's sicks hit. I am doing it for the paranoia free-ness... is that real?