Outdoor Grow Attempt 2012


Well-Known Member
Hello all,

I've been out of comission for about 2 years now. I had to sell all my indoor growing equipment so now I am going to try my luck at a backyard grow.
But now I am back to my friends that I haven't spoken to in a while I'm here Lol. ANYWAY...
I will be posting pictures As my grow progresses, all feedback, advice, tips, welcome. At the moment I am in the process of germinating 10 seeds from a previous grow. I will post pics of that in a bit.
Other than that keep posted. Take care guys stay high (B


Well-Known Member
Sup guys quick update, the seeds are starting to sprout. I just bought some fox farm soil to start the seedlings out in. I turned the soil in the yard and added some fish emulsion, humic acid,processed sea weed, a bunch of food scraps, and worm castings so by the time they go into the dirt it will be ready to go.. The plan is to veg for 3 weeks, sex, then they go into the backyard.


Active Member
When is the first cold front in your area? Dont expect a high yield your starting late but definitely keep us updated on how it goes.