outdoor grow bagseed need help!


Active Member
this is my 16 day old plant been all good till today havent watered in 2 days trying 2 get roots 2 grow and i go out 2 find my leaf curling a bit yellow and its been around 107 F in texas or is this nute def. plz help:confused: look at 1st pic closely the fan leaf is burnt



Well-Known Member
hard to say for me anyway um what soil are you useing and do you feed it any thing 107 is way hot oh ya how big of pot are u useing dose it get fullsun allday


Well-Known Member
The yellow leaves do look like it might want some food, but it's young yet. Be very careful with fertilizing. If it's in a pot, you must make sure the pot (where the rootball resides) is kept cool somehow.

Start at quarter or half strength fertilizer (you want a higher N value of the NPK values, always listed in the same order), and if you can, wait til it's 21 days old. Too easy to burn with fertilizers if you're not careful, difficult to correct.


Active Member
it is half mix of compost and mg soil and i started feeding 2 days ago mg houseplant food 8-7-6 used 15 drops in 3 qts recommended 10-20 per quart and it nearly gets light all day get from about 8 am till 6 pm shade till dark


Active Member
can ne 1 tell what strain cause it smells very skunky and i rubbed the stem and it smells like a skunk sprayed my nose? and its staying alot lower than my last plant


Well-Known Member
Not at this point, and it would be a guess at best. If you're feeding, then address the heat. If heat's not a problem, then the plant's having a hard time using the fertilizer. Google mycorrhizae, and eBay Super Plant Tonic (or, you can try Dr. Earth organic ferts, they have live microbes and endo/ecto mycorrhizae). :)


Active Member
i buried the pot in the ground cuz i cant dig a hole and fill with potting soil clay is 2 fucking tuff :-| will this be better 4 its cooling?


Well-Known Member
Absolutely! Putting it in the ground is the best way, and if the soil is shitty (we've got rocky clay, too) then you did exactly the best thing you could do. Also, putting the pot in the ground discourages animals like gophers and moles. I can't say it's a guaranteed, but hey, every little bit helps, right?