outdoor grow.


Active Member
ok im a buy some outdoor seeds.. to grow outdoors i dont have much money so what should i do buy some soil and what kind..im a grow in pots..and one more thing could i use outdoor soil. or what would u guys recommend im planning on at least 10 plants so any good advice would be apreciated.


Well-Known Member
I'd advise to only grow in pots if there is a risk of a storm or a freeze - otherwise just plant them in the ground. They'll have a better root system and should grow bigger than they would in a pot. Is the soil good where you live? It should have an earthy smell to it, should hold water well but never become waterlogged, and should have lots of organic matter in it such as composted leaves. Look at the plants growing around where you plan to grow - do they look healthy? If they do, you soil should be fine. Dig a hole about 3ft deep x 3ft wide. Loosen the soil you dug from the hole with a rake, and rake in some perlite or vermiculite. Fill the hole back in with the soil and water the soil so you get rid of any large pockets of air in the soil. Cover the top of the soil with leaves if you've used perlite - believe me, it stands out like a sore thumb.

I'm sure someone can offer better advice, as I'm on my first outdoor grow too. Good luck.