Outdoor Growing, Question About Males


Well-Known Member
Say I have a plot outdoors, and a couple of plants naturally grouped together, each about 5-6 feet apart.

If I have both male and females growing together in that plot, what effects will the males have on the females, and vice versa, and should I just pull the males ASAP?

Any advice/suggestions would be helpful, thanks.


Active Member
i fink that the males will pollentate the females soo the females wont bud they will just produce seeds... i wod just keep them apartt by quite alot


Well-Known Member
the females will still bud just with seeds in the buds, hence bagseed, if you want seeds put 1 male 1 female togethe in a plot............ oh about couple hundred feet away just to be safe

The Dude 4552

Well-Known Member
uhh, im not so sure. Male pollen has been known to travel kilometers. If you don't need the plant, I say remove it right away rather than risk cross-pollination.


Well-Known Member
Ok, thanks for all the info so far, another question, males dont bud at all right?

And if I let the females pollinate, the bud wont be as good I'm guessing?

The Dude 4552

Well-Known Member
Males do not flower they produce pollen sacs. If allowed to mature, the pollen sacs release pollen into the air. If that pollen travels to a female plant, it will fertilize it. Once fertilized, the female plant (s) cease bud production and switch to producing seeds. So to answer your question,

No, males dont bud.
If you let the males pollinate the female, it will greatly reduce the yield of the bud, although I dont think potency is affected.

Nevertheless, that doesnt stop you from using the plant for hash or to produce seeds for future grows!


Well-Known Member
males don't have bud or thc, and the bud will stop focusing its attention on bud growth and put it into seed production so yea the bud will be less potent