Outdoor growing - UK


nice one mate.

u can get sum monster plants outdoors in the uk ive grown plants outdoors over 6foot tall with loadsa bud all we need is a good summer im gonna plant sum outdoors aswell il keep u posted:joint:
which strain(s) did you use for these '6ft monsters'?:eyesmoke: also would u recommend any of them as a first time grow?
sounds good make sure u do fella! :weed:


Active Member
you alright dude. yea go for it mate !! im doing my first grow this year in the uk.!!! iv got some AMS and church from greenhouse seeds and they have very good mould resistance and can handle our weather. the church has been grown in the swiss alps (Which that quite cold...) with some good results 6ft plus and a good yeild. im planning on starting them at the beginning of may (indoors) to then be planted outside end of may or beginning of june,. they will then be harvested at the beginning of October. if time is an issue you could always get some lows till the big 1s are done...??.

im planning on growing mine organic with a sort of super soil in 20 or 30 gallon pots (not sure yet) and just gunna give that a go and see what happens...

i was like you at the beginning just browsing the net and liked the idea and has many sleepless nighsts ever since. lol iv been doing alot homework. your homework is the key. make sure you got a good place, good seed strain for our climate, when you need to harvest and of course not forgetting your SOIL.

heres some links i found usefull




you alright dude. yea go for it mate !! im doing my first grow this year in the uk.!!! iv got some AMS and church from greenhouse seeds and they have very good mould resistance and can handle our weather. the church has been grown in the swiss alps (Which that quite cold...) with some good results 6ft plus and a good yeild. im planning on starting them at the beginning of may (indoors) to then be planted outside end of may or beginning of june,. they will then be harvested at the beginning of October. if time is an issue you could always get some lows till the big 1s are done...??.

im planning on growing mine organic with a sort of super soil in 20 or 30 gallon pots (not sure yet) and just gunna give that a go and see what happens...

i was like you at the beginning just browsing the net and liked the idea and has many sleepless nighsts ever since. lol iv been doing alot homework. your homework is the key. make sure you got a good place, good seed strain for our climate, when you need to harvest and of course not forgetting your SOIL.

heres some links i found usefull



ive heard alot of them strains but im still spoilt for choice so far lol. ill read up on them abit more as they seem to have the right characteristics to grow here with the mould resistance and being acclimatised to our weather, which is what ive been looking for.
ive been thinking about the idea of having afew LR's too, if my techniques are successful with my 'main crop' and im able to plant them where ive planned with no problems ill probably try my luck with some sort of autoflowering strain. but until then im just trying to learn as much as possible to give my crop a decent chance. thanks for the help mate, and best of luck with your crop:bigjoint:

I have one question (sorry if this sounds stupid but i still have afew gaps in my knowledge..) during the vegetative stage ive read that 18 - 24 hours of light is best for growth and development, but as i have no lights this wont be possible. In this case would it be better for me to start my whole prcoess from germination outside? or is there any other ways around this? again i apologize for the stupid Q


Active Member
ive heard alot of them strains but im still spoilt for choice so far lol. ill read up on them abit more as they seem to have the right characteristics to grow here with the mould resistance and being acclimatised to our weather, which is what ive been looking for.
ive been thinking about the idea of having afew LR's too, if my techniques are successful with my 'main crop' and im able to plant them where ive planned with no problems ill probably try my luck with some sort of autoflowering strain. but until then im just trying to learn as much as possible to give my crop a decent chance. thanks for the help mate, and best of luck with your crop:bigjoint:

I have one question (sorry if this sounds stupid but i still have afew gaps in my knowledge..) during the vegetative stage ive read that 18 - 24 hours of light is best for growth and development, but as i have no lights this wont be possible. In this case would it be better for me to start my whole prcoess from germination outside? or is there any other ways around this? again i apologize for the stupid Q

if you cant get lights on it i would guess when we start to get longer days 18hour ect or maybe 16hours.. u could germ indoors and have on the window sill. as long as its got few hours of direct sun i cnt see that being a problem till its ready to go outside. they say end of may beg of june.. (when out last frost has gone) and b4 you put it straight out into mother natures hands, to give it a good start i would put it outside for a week or two starting off only for a few hours then increasing the amount off hours (whilst the stem is strengthening) up till it can be left all allday on its own.

or if insides a problem i was thinking that i would still germ indoors once germed, plant seed in a small pot and leave at location. i would then cut the bottom off a 2 ltr or maybe 3ltr bottle and put it over you seedling. that way it like a lil green house for it till its big enough to be taken off. i would then transplant into the ground or bigger pot (depending on what way u doing it) and that should do it.

can you see where im coming from? do you get me lol

hope this has helped you out.
Hey man one last bit of advice, I just checked out Barry Cooper's Never Get Busted video series. While a lot of the legal insight is specific to the US, the second volume has a nice little section on how to keep your outdoor grow safe and secret. If you're really interested in growing safely I would suggest you buy that video.


if you cant get lights on it i would guess when we start to get longer days 18hour ect or maybe 16hours.. u could germ indoors and have on the window sill. as long as its got few hours of direct sun i cnt see that being a problem till its ready to go outside. they say end of may beg of june.. (when out last frost has gone) and b4 you put it straight out into mother natures hands, to give it a good start i would put it outside for a week or two starting off only for a few hours then increasing the amount off hours (whilst the stem is strengthening) up till it can be left all allday on its own.

or if insides a problem i was thinking that i would still germ indoors once germed, plant seed in a small pot and leave at location. i would then cut the bottom off a 2 ltr or maybe 3ltr bottle and put it over you seedling. that way it like a lil green house for it till its big enough to be taken off. i would then transplant into the ground or bigger pot (depending on what way u doing it) and that should do it.

can you see where im coming from? do you get me lol

hope this has helped you out.
Well a light indoors is completely out of the question unfortunately :(
ive thought about putting the seedling on the window sill but with my area being hot and nosey neighbours i doubt that would be a good choice either..

i think i'd prefer to germinate indoors as you said, then take seeds to the location straight away an pop them straight in. ive read re-potting and handling of the plant/roots is damaging, so would it be better to put the seed (once germinated) straight into the ground? Thanks for the tip about the bottles! ill be using that:blsmoke:

Hey man one last bit of advice, I just checked out Barry Cooper's Never Get Busted video series. While a lot of the legal insight is specific to the US, the second volume has a nice little section on how to keep your outdoor grow safe and secret. If you're really interested in growing safely I would suggest you buy that video.
Funnily enough i come across this video earlier today, thought it was a joke at first but theres actually afew useful things in there.

thanks for the help again guys, enough respect!:weed:


just want to ask another question. as im thinking of planting the seeds straight outdoors as soon as they show enough root, which of these soils would u recommend me laying down in my plot? (The only reason ive choice these few is because they're all available from a local store)

Multi Purpose Compost with Added John Innes

Product Detail -

  • Contains essential nutrients.
  • Develops stronger healthier plants.
  • Retains water.
  • Contains West+.
  • 3 for 2.
  • Size: 60 litre.
Homebase Enriched Compost
Product Detail -

  • Develops stronger roots.
  • Feeds for longer.
  • Contains West+.
  • Size: 100 litre.
Homebase Multi-Purpose Compost
Product Detail -

  • Feeds plants for 4-5 weeks.
  • Ideal for all stages of plant growth.
  • Absorbs water easily.
  • Size: 120 litre.
Miracle-Gro All Purpose Compost
Product Detail -

  • Grows plants up to twice as big.
  • Enriched with miracle-gro plant food, feeds for 3 months.
  • 40% more nutrients than ordinary multi-purpose compost.
  • Added water retaining gel helps to stop plants from drying out and makes watering easier.
  • Size: 50 litre.
The miracle grow soil seems to stand out, but it claims 40% more nutrients and i wasnt sure that was necessarily a good thing as it might be too much? (You gotta appreciate its harder to work things after a smoke of the good shiz :lol:)
Im thinking of putting some perlite in with one of these soils aswell to help drainage, is there anything else to add to the soil to help?
thanks it advance :bigjoint:


Active Member
just want to ask another question. as im thinking of planting the seeds straight outdoors as soon as they show enough root, which of these soils would u recommend me laying down in my plot? (The only reason ive choice these few is because they're all available from a local store)

Multi Purpose Compost with Added John Innes

Product Detail -

  • Contains essential nutrients.
  • Develops stronger healthier plants.
  • Retains water.
  • Contains West+.
  • 3 for 2.
  • Size: 60 litre.
Homebase Enriched Compost
Product Detail -

  • Develops stronger roots.
  • Feeds for longer.
  • Contains West+.
  • Size: 100 litre.
Homebase Multi-Purpose Compost
Product Detail -

  • Feeds plants for 4-5 weeks.
  • Ideal for all stages of plant growth.
  • Absorbs water easily.
  • Size: 120 litre.
Miracle-Gro All Purpose Compost
Product Detail -

  • Grows plants up to twice as big.
  • Enriched with miracle-gro plant food, feeds for 3 months.
  • 40% more nutrients than ordinary multi-purpose compost.
  • Added water retaining gel helps to stop plants from drying out and makes watering easier.
  • Size: 50 litre.
The miracle grow soil seems to stand out, but it claims 40% more nutrients and i wasnt sure that was necessarily a good thing as it might be too much? (You gotta appreciate its harder to work things after a smoke of the good shiz :lol:)
Im thinking of putting some perlite in with one of these soils aswell to help drainage, is there anything else to add to the soil to help?
thanks it advance :bigjoint:
yea im not to sure yet still on the soil. theres so many ways. i hear bad rep about the mg so i wont be using that. what do you want to do, grow organic mj for a taster bud? i am probley going to use that danny danko organic soil mix that is in that link i posted you can get most of them ingredients in wilkos really cheap. they do a 10 litre organic bag for £2, perlite £1-2, bat guano£2-3, seaweed juice £1 odd, bone meal blood meal ect. i would say you r getting a really good soil for cheap but its what you can afford mate. best bet keep looking feller. best of luck with that.

i cnt wait till summer gets here it will be good to check up and see each other's progress.

by the way i have built a pc stealth box would that be an idea to ya???. mine in total cost £30 to build...

here is the link. https://www.rollitup.org/grow-room-design-setup/303200-stealth-pc-grow-box-help.html


Well-Known Member
y all the hatin outdoors. ive had many sucessful crops outdoors last season i got over 1000g dry weight


Well-Known Member
hi peeps
im new to all this but basically im going to have my first attempt at growing some bud this year. its going to have to be outdoors (in sh*tty uk weather), ive found my location where there's plenty of sunlight and in a well hidden place. theres just afew things i could do with advice on.. (Sorry if i ask 'noob' questions, theres endless info on here so its just abit easier to get the answers i need all in one space lol.)

first of all, which strain to go for thats suitable for uk climates..? ive been thinking lowryder/hollands hope or some other strain thats beginner friendly and preferably autoflowering.

also, i read something about preparing your plants for outdoor life after germination. how long, for how often will i put my plants outside before transplanting them to the final outdoor growing location?

i plan on visiting the site ive found before planting and preparing the holes for my plants and also putting down some proper soil (any recommendations for decent soil in uk?).
this is my first time round so this is basically for learning purposes.. but i still wanna give it my best shot :weed:
any answers or advice greatly appreciated, cheers.:bigjoint:
you can grow outdoors in the uk with ease.. the guy i used to get my weed from used to do about 200+ outdoor every summer.. lush weed aswell !.. ive also done a few outdoors the past couple of years with pretty good results..

have to find a new place this year as there building on my old grow area :S

anyway 1thing i will say is put up fencing of somekind around them ! unless you want rabits n shit to munch on your bud ( they eat anything fresh green :P )

rox is suppose to be great for our kind of random weathered summers as they are bassically waterproof :D

i know my mate used to do passion #1 outdoors in the uk summer

my main problem is spider mites
so i am looking for resistant plants ive found a few now just to make a choice

hope this helps !