Outdoor mayhem


Active Member
This is my third season growing outdoors. I've been building out on public land next to a dam, since last year I've been harassed by the water authority, the head of security of this organization has found all my "sites" so I'm going to have to build a new one when the seedlings mature up.
I've been designing and testing some new machines to automatically dry and cure marijuana, called the budcure box and cannaster. They are needing some attention but I still have allot of time to work on them.
Right now I just got the seeds in and I'm almost ready to get into gardening mode. I have to glue down the cloche greenhouse that i have to some foam board because last year ants ate my seedlings. I haven't seen any around but you never know. The type of marijuana is called grandaddy purple Autoflower seeds, from ILGM, but I've noticed that the phenotype is all over the place with this company, so it might not even matter what they are. But I got 20 of them, and plane to start small and plant only two of them, then keep on planting as i move them out of the cloche.
For the BudCure Box I have to CNC a new PCB because I have had nothing but problems trying to get the relay or mosfet switches to actually work. It takes so much to CNC the board, put all the components on it, make sure it all works only to find it didn't. But other than that i just have to install a fan and its ready to dry.
For the Cannaster (the machine inside the BudCure Box) the lid isn't designed right and it doesn't let the pressure get down enough to dry the plant material. I have to redesign the lid and gasket to try and improve on that, because in the enclosed space the buds will grow mold in only half a day. But the whole purpose of the Cannaster is to get the bud to the perfect 63% rh so you can throw it in a mason jar and store it away, without burping it.



Active Member
Oh wow! Today was spectacular. I pulled into my spot and the gIuy from the water authority saw me. I just grabbed my machette and took off down the trail to my other spot. He popped both of my tires and threw the dog house I made with a bunch of tools in it over a cliff. Boy was he pissed. I met him on the trail and he's all ready to fight me, talking about I've been a pain in his balls (well thats good?) for six months. Then he says how I'm stalking him on facebook (I sent him a friend request when he hired some people to tear down my "sites") and he started clinching his fists telling me to drop my machete. What a jerk! I'm going to find out this guys SSN and other information on the dark net and totally ruin his credit score. And if i ever catch him fucking up my good spot I'm going to pop his tires and drop rocks on his car. Oh well!
Anyways, I need to plant these seeds soon but I just lost my phone and some guy took off with it. And I have like zero money without apple pay. The only thing that saved me was i have an electric bicycle hidden away.
Hopefully next week we will begin!


Active Member
Here we go! Updated plan is to plant these autoflower genes a few every week until they are gone, use those to test out my machines. But I'm going to buy some regular seeds and plant those off into 15 gallon pots so I can get the maximum benefit for my investment here.
Does anyone have any advice how to get from regular seeds to all females in 15 gallon pots? I want to do regular seeds because I want to make my own seed supply.
The next step for this spot is to bend some rebar and use that to hang up bugs net.
Planning on starting the seeds pretty soon and to have everything up and running by 420!



Active Member
its not so easy doing things on a slope. people say pissing in the wind, but i'm probably the only person to think of not shitting on a slope.
i got the cloche off the ground to escape the lizards and ants, pounded some rebar with a BFH, then put a 7 foot section of a tree trunk down for a level place to stand. all this after bicycling all day for doordash so i can catch up on funding... next week i purchase the soil. i'm thinking of doing this guys technique
but im pretty much ready to start up some seeds maybe tomorrow or the next day. i'm going to start some vegetable seeds at the same time, i have three beds to fill up. I just went through the seed catalog at my local library and found some interesting stuff. I'm thinking one bed I'll do random vegtables and then the other one I'll grow just melons. And for the third one, which was supposed to be where i was going to grow my weed before I got discovered, I'm going to grow tobacco and ephedra.



Active Member
here we go.... The plants are coming along without incident. I'm fertilizing with some miracle grow until i transplant them. I made some super soil a few weeks ago to sit and compost for a bit. I plan on putting these guys into 3 gallon pots with this soil i made, which consists of coco-coir, perlite, worm castings, azomite, kelp meal, and tomato fertilizer. The guy in the video said to put the whole bag in, but I'm pretty sure it was an evil elf trick cause I didn't see him put in the whole bag and that seems like way too much ( its a whole pound for 50 gallons of soil ). Got to watch out for those, they place them in strategic places on the internet, I have found a few before.
Now I'm planting three more seedlings. And I have just another week before I dust off the ole budcure box and cannaster and get them in functioning order!



Active Member
"King Kong ain't got shit on me!" - Denzel Washington

Starting work on the BudCure after last seasons debauchery. The BudCure is broken down into two machines, the BudCure Box and the Cannaster. The status of the project is that I've tentatively tested it on tobacco, but freezing weather destroyed the harvest. My objectives for the BudCure Box is to get a new PCB made, make my own wiring harnesses, and get it up and running again.
The Cannaster was also only a half success last season. I got the machine to mostly work only it couldn't get the vacuum down below 9 psi. I found out that its absolutely essential to get the psi down to below 5 or the product will mold. Luckily I've been calibrating my 3D printers so I should be able to make some adjustments and get it working in short order.
Once these machines are working again I will have the joyous task of developing a better program to dry my buds.

