Outdoor plants getting stretched??


Currently they're going on their third week- Ending their first week outside. Setup is germing inside and then moving out after they get 3 inches tall (my lights aren't good for much growth after those first weeks). When I first moved them out they were nice and squat, bush like. Now they've gone and decided to be kinda straggly and shoot up. They're getting exposed to more light then they would from my indoor setup, and if they were getting too much they'd just start to wilt right? Could it be from the light cycle- indoor I was running 20/4 outdoors it's more like 13/11. Thanks for any advice offered, done loads of plant grows before, but never actually tried this specific plant all by myself though. :-|


Sorry about the quality, kept focusing on the grass behind :S


Well-Known Member
Mine always start stretchn when i pull em from under my CFLs.
I get tight node spaceing by keeping my lights a few inches away.
But as soon as i put em out side they double insize in a week.
I guess its just how they grow naturaly lol.

I have to LST an toping as soon a put em out also to keep em hidden.


Mine always start stretchn when i pull em from under my CFLs.
I get tight node spaceing by keeping my lights a few inches away.
But as soon as i put em out side they double insize in a week.
I guess its just how they grow naturaly lol.

I have to LST an toping as soon a put em out also to keep em hidden.
Ah yeah, I keep my inside lights tight onto them as well. I stretched and killed my very first batch so just as a precaution I now keep the florescents glued to em ^_^ Thanks for the reply, took a weight off my mind, I've been agonizing over if it was normal or should I do something to counteract it. I think my rule of thumb is going to start being - unless I know I'm doing something wrong or the plant absolutely has to have something, let it be. It knows how to grow just fine without me messing around.