Outdoor Sandy Soil - Almost all sand....


Active Member
I have found an awesome area to plant some girls this summer and I know the time is fast approaching so my questions and problem is.

What is the best way to go about planting in an area with allot of sand in the soil. Lets say 80% for argument sake. I can not dig 10 foot holes and fill it with dirt due to the location, too risky and way too much work. There are a few streams running through the area and enough trees which tells me there is some moister in the ground to get something going. I am also trying to avoid using pots but if it's needed I will.

Any takers?

Thanks for the help

piney bob

Active Member
I have the same problem, although it can actually be an ok thing. Sandy soils are easier to amend than clay it seems. I will be adding lots of moss or coco peat as was suggested. I am also going to a worm farm for a truck load of castings. This will not only retain the water, but it will raise the pH, add nutrients and life to your soil. Also you can create a pit around your plants so that the water drains toward your plants instead of away when it rains. So if you are willing to do the work, sandy soil can be a good thing because your roots will spread easily and receive the air and drainage they need. However, you may need to visit and water more often.