Outdoor Winter Grow In Oz


Well-Known Member
i was interested to see what would happen if i started a grow at the end of Australian summer with reduced light colder weather etc.

week 1
germanation paper towl method, took 3 days to break the surface soil.

week 2 not much happend
wekk 3 starting to get some leaves now.
week 4 really growing well concidering there getting 12/12 or less.
week 5 of the 3 planted this one is kicking ass. one has died and the other is growing really slowly
in week 6 now and ill keep everyone posted...

(photos order is first pic week 2
second pic week 6
3rd pic week 4 i screwed up the order somehow)

the 3rd plant died in week 2 so its not shown the bottom most plant in the first pic is the same plant as in the second pic. its doing the best with new growth nearly every day.



Well-Known Member
during the the coldest it has gotten is about 5 degree c. but average about 10 degrees c. sun comes up at about 6 sets at about 530.


Active Member
wow ive never seen such sophisticated plants that are so small! ive heard that a frost will kill them.. I dont know for sure tho you migh wanna cehck that out


Well-Known Member
When the weather is at its coldest, I am guessing at night. As long as the days lets them do there thing, possably 18.33 during the day they should be fine at 5 though depends on the amount of sun as well I would guess. I grew in Northern Maine NH Canada boarder and it got around that at night. They were monsters through June. They should take a frost though dont go by that. I would say 30 for a few hours is chill as the roots will stay above freezing