Outdoors and stretching


Active Member
Hi - i found through this website how to correct an indoor plant that is stretching - BUT how do you correct an outdoor plant stretching - i cant move the sun any closer than it is. - plants are in a small greenhouse - look very healthy but are 4 days old now and are about 7 cm high....

sun is hot in my climate - should i move them in the shade for a while ?

best advice anyone...


Well-Known Member
The plant may be stretching due to the heat.alot of sativa naturally have long internodal length, you can prune the growing tips to keep the height down.


Well-Known Member
You should start your plant inside so this doesn't happen. When established move outdoors.

You need to put some lights on those babies and a fan. Shade clothe should be over the greenhouse at least so those babies don't get direct sun light. Try some cfl's about an inch away with a fan blowing directly on them. Your only hope. Or your could just bury them so only about 1/2 inch of stem is showing and start over.