Outdoors Percentage of Survival


Well-Known Member
:hump::hump:ok so me and my one friend dicided to grow outside this year. We dug about 2 1/2 deep holes and transplanted 4 seeds that were in peat pellets into sta green potting mix. These were not germenated prior to putting them into the peat pellet things. It is also bag seed from good shit. But the place will get good sunshine. What do u think the chance of survival is?


Well-Known Member
wait why did you ask me if im the one growing b/c im a stranger on here. Im not getting mad but what can we do to better our chance? Basically whats an average outdoor setup?


Well-Known Member
Wait so you dug up a 2 1/2 ft deep hole in the ground put soil on it and planted 4 seeds in it?

You might have wanted to start them off in small pots first, Just to get them started. And you should dig up the hole where your going to plant them a little more. 2 1/2 ft isnt enough. You dont really have to dig REALLY deep but just loosen up the dirt/soil under from where your plants are gonna grow. You wanna make sure they dont get stunned from growing because of the tough dirt underground.

EDIT: i can't give you an outdoor percentage of survival because my only grow (7 plant) which were in the woods in pots were stolen. But i planted 7 outside and they grew beautifully for about 2 months until some bastard stole them.


Well-Known Member
ok fucker im pretty sure plants grow outside in the wild without being germinated first. But Hey im a fucking stranger on here so im a dumb fuck:joint:


Well-Known Member
wait why did you ask me if im the one growing b/c im a stranger on here. Im not getting mad but what can we do to better our chance? Basically whats an average outdoor setup?
Hey man, there are a lot of important factors and I cant get into them all in one post. Start by reaearching soil, PH, Nutrients, watering schedule/feeding sched., and whatever else u run into along the way. Posting pics with your plant problems on here along the way will help u get good feedback instead of people guessing.
P.S. Growing with a buddy lessens your chances of seeing a harvest more than anything... This doesn't take 2 people to grow a plant. i know it feels cool to do this with a budy, but it will end up fucked up, I promise u that. It's just one more person to talk about it, who will tell one more person and before u know it your plant are picked 2weeks early by a thief... This is something u do on your own and dont tell anyone! Just tell your buddy you don't want to get popped by the cops, let him take over. Buy some real seeds from online and stick with RIU for your help, dont tell anyone and then u will see big time harvests!!! This is serious time in most states, just know what your getting into.


Well-Known Member
:joint:im pretty sure plants grow outside in the wild without being germinated first. But Hey im a fucking stranger on here so im a dumb fuck:joint:
Oh, so they grow wild right by u, so then y do u have to grow them? If u think u know then y are u on here? In certain climates they grow wild, in other climates we have to help them along


Well-Known Member
:hump::hump::hump:thanks for the warning pasadenabri, but im pretty sure the guy im doing it with wont do that, but i know what you were sayin, this guy is cool, ive known him since elementary school lol.


Well-Known Member
:joint:haha pasadenabri, i wasnt talking to you there but to answer your question, id rather grow than go on a wild scavenger hunt for wild grown weed plants.:joint:


Well-Known Member
ok fucker im pretty sure plants grow outside in the wild without being germinated first. But Hey im a fucking stranger on here so im a dumb fuck:joint:
nice way to kick yourself in the head. :mrgreen:

ever heard of snails. they will eat 100 sprouts overnight. i tried for years to start seeds straight in the soil in my own backyard and the snails got them every time. now i start them under shop lights at least and get them about 10 to 12 inches tall before transplanting outside. :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
by that quote i proving a point that weed grows by itself in the wild so it is not impossible that they wont grow


Well-Known Member
Why is everyone being hostile to this newcomer?????.....I've seen a plant start to grow in a friends backyard after he just tossed a few bag seeds on the ground (Not in the ground, On the ground).....Whats the difference if you plant your seeds in a pot or the ground.....a 2 1/2 foot hole is deeper than a 5 gallon bucket....And Ive seen plenty of pics of plants in 5 gal buckets here at RIU....Other than snails (I know nothing about snails)...Give it a try dude and see how it grows....Not every one needs to be an expert with all the nutes and meters....God luck dude


Well-Known Member
I think what everybody was getting at was that by just plopping seeds in the ground your chances of germination are much smaller than had you germinated them first then planted them,also they were letting you know that by letting new plants grow inside for a month or so before putting them outside greatly increases the chance they will survive.

With that being said there are a few things you can do if they sprout,keep an eye on the area & if they sprout the first thing you need to worry about is little varmints eating them,its spring time & anything thats green is like a steak to varmints,get some chicken wire & make small cages to cover the baby's,make sure the wire cages are staked down because some little fukin opossum will still try to eat em up.

Next thing is make the area as unattractive as possible for wildlife,piss everywhere you can & try to piss off the ground like on trees or bushes,this way the scent carries,you can also scatter ground black pepper all over the area & place moth balls near your plants,ive never tried the moth balls but it makes sense to me so im trying them this year my ownself.

Water will be another thing you can do,just because their outside dont rely on the rain,take a look at them once a week & dig up a little of the soil near the plant,dont dig up the roots but dig down an inch or two & if the soil isnt mushy then give them some pure water,no fertilizers,giving them nutrients too early will fuck them up & unless the soil is barren like a farmed out cornfield then it will contain more than enough nutrients for them until they grow a couple feet tall.

Keep any dead vegatation like leaves & sticks cleared well away from the plants,dead shit attracts all kinds of bugs,also keep any other plant matter growing near the root mass pulled.