Outside plants withering in one day.


before we start out, I'll freely admit I'm a total newbie at growing MJ. I looked over some of the stickied threads and tried to figure out where I was going wrong. Judging my some skimming of the articles and comparison of the pictures to the plants I'm inclined to say that it's either over-watering or a nitrogen deficiency.

What's happening is the plant just gets weak, bends over or leaves droop, everything just starts to sag. After that everything starts to dry out and just go phhhffttt my time to die. :confused:

I've checked the soil moisture and it was pretty dry when I initially checked it last night. I watered pretty substantially, didn't drown the thing but I gave it a good bit.

All three plants went from looking all nice and healthy to deadish in less then 36 hours.

Also, I hope these images don't post as large as they actually are, if so I'll edit them down :S
