outside scrog?

i was planning on doing something like a scrog outdoors this year except its more like a box made of fence that will protect it when its young from getting dug up by random shit and i will scrog the plant with the box when it gets big enough.


Active Member
I saw an awesome video of subcools. It was an outdoor cheese scrog in oregon and it was like 30 feet long and like six feet wide. Was only like four or so plants. Probably yielded close to ten lbs


Active Member
I was kind of wondering that myself. I would think it would be a good way to camafloge the plants from being readily recognisable. I considered trying it but don't have that optiona right now...


Active Member
i did one last year..it was neet but i used seeds so i pulled 2 males and that made holes in the screen....

i would like to play around again this year but can only have 6 plants...