Over Feeding or bad PH?


New Member
Hey guys I'm experiencing a problem with the plant in the picture. It's a Berry OG Kush growing in coco. Is this Over Nuting or what? I haven't been nuting much at all! I flushed last night using Spring Water with a PH of 5.8 and this morning it just seems to be getting worse. Should I just keep flushing? I really don't wanna lose this plant.



Well-Known Member
What do you mean by not nuting much at all? There are no nutes in coco so you gotta feed. Do you know the ppm of your last feeding?


New Member
What do you mean by not nuting much at all? There are no nutes in coco so you gotta feed. Do you know the ppm of your last feeding?
I'm afraid I dont. Sorry for the long story now. The thing is I made a big mistake last night. I noticed the plants were showing burnt leaf tips so i though I should flush them. I have 3 x 5 litre bottles of diluted nutrient powder solutions Grow,Micro and MPK(Bloom). Very stupidly I didn't mark the MPK and I confused the MPK bottle for the fresh water bottle. I proceeded to fill the watering can with the straight MPK solution and I poured roughly 250ml into the soil. I then realized the totally idiotic mistake I had made! I then flushed out the soil with about 3 litres of water allowing the runoff to go into the baths. I left it like that overnight and noticed in the morning that it was getting worse so I flushed with another 1 litre of water. I figured this might not be worth mentioning because surely I've flushed enough. I'm probably very wrong!

Here's the contents of the MPK bottle, it is completely nitrogen free:

MPK Contains:

Phosphorus P 227g/kg

Potassium K 286g/kg

Can my plant get nutrient burn from these nutrients?


New Member
What do you mean by not nuting much at all? There are no nutes in coco so you gotta feed. Do you know the ppm of your last feeding?
Should I transplant it into new coco. What's the best method of transplanting a plant of this age?


Well-Known Member
If you've completely flushed it, no reason to transplant. But you need to get them back on an appropriate level of balanced nutes now and you need to get a TDS or EC meter to know your ppm. Otherwise you are completely guessing. Good luck!