

hey bro. just wanted to check out your girls and see how things are goin. your doing an awesome job man. cant wait for the harvest!

better save me a piece of that corn for later.


Well-Known Member
Yeah man things are looking good in there. might want to get a larger area going, def would keep a close eye for bugs and mildew cuz they will spread like wild fire being so close like that and are taking a small risk, one that could really be worth it!!!! Good Luck


Active Member
Thanks dudes!

Gonna be fun to smoke a 4 flavored blunt with you when I'm done nic!

Stay@home, funny you should mention that as i gave them a precautionary fungicide before they went to sleep yesterday morning. I was stoned and thinking and became paranoid. haha. Better than being sorry later.

Golden Goat smells like lemon drop candies. The ones covered in powdered sugar, only without the sugar. Kinda lemonade-ish. Gonna be a wonderful smoke. Cough is late. Trichomes are barely pushing out now, but the buds are looking fat. Cheese smells like bad breath. haha. In a good way. I hope she becomes a little more pleasing to the nose over time. Even if not, she is keeping pace with NYC Diesel pretty well as far as trichome production. NYC Diesel continues to surprise me every single time I study her. Her fanleaf bud is even getting nice and sticky. Gotta say I'm glad I kept a clone of her. If the clone is just as healthy I may grow strictly NYC Diesel for a harvest or two. I'll put up more pics tonight.


Active Member

NYC Diesel:

Golden Goat:

cough1 (2).jpgcough1.jpgcough3.jpg


Family picture:

Out of weed cause the dispensary I go to was closed, so off to bed with a big bowl of resin. Happy tokin' fellow stoners. :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
Aha! Nice to find your grow over here. I must say that I am mightily impressed for a first go at it. Some folks learn through mistakes (me), while you seem to be able to benefit from the experience of others.

I look forward to an update!


Active Member
It's been a little bit. Lots has happened. No longer in an apartment but a house. Loving it. Temps are much nicer. About 68 when they sleep, 74-78 when they are awake. I have noticed some damn gnats, but with my humidity at a constant 50% I kind of expected it. I have some End All insect killer. When should I use this to kill them? I've heard right after a watering so they don't drink it up. I'm only hitting the soil. That's where the shits seem to hang out. Enjoy peeps! I know I'm going to be in a few weeks!

Golden Goat:


NYC Diesel:




Well-Known Member
Damn nice.... 10 days ahead of me as well. I need some more CFLs if i want my buds to look like that in 2 days! hahaha Nice going bro


wow man, lookin great! im really impressed with the cheese. looks like candy almost. cant wait to see what they are like in my aero system...
it looks like you got you dificiency issue taken care of too. good job bro!
a bit of advise tho, if your still gonna chop cheese this weekend maybe you should second think about it.
i know your judging off of the trichs but those buds have way more potential.
just a thought....

well bro, you are doin a hell of a job! better then any first time grower ive seen.
it could only get better!


Well-Known Member
Congratulation on the new space for you and your loved ones. Your 'family' seems to be adapting to the change quite well. I'm sure your relieved the move is over.