Overwater? what next?


Well-Known Member
Space: Sterilite storage cabinet 25-3/4" L x 19" W x 69-1/2" H

Seed:Fem Auto flower bubblicious strain

Pot:2-3 gal white plastic

Soil:1/4 Perlite 3/4 miracle grow Potting Soil

Water:8.0 Tap water that I PH down to 6.5-6.8

Soil PH: I tested the run off 2 days ago and it was at about 6.9ph

Temps: 80-85 humidity 50%-60%

Air Intake:6'' inline fan

Air Exhaust: bathroom exhaust fan from HD

Hey one of my lady's has seen better days. I am new to growing and it looks like I over water to me but iv done a little research and cant seem to find a cure. She also has not grown much in the past 3-4 days. seed to soil 15 days ago and she sprouted 2 days after.

I gave her about 2 quarts of water 2 days ago and, about 1 quart 1 1/2 days before that.
So I have not watered her in 2 days soil is still moist.

today I ran my hand around in the pot to attempt to get some air into the soil and to also mix up the perlite a bit more. I was careful not to disturb her when I did this, just the soil around and underneath her. then I made sure all the drain hole were clear and not clogged. Is there any more I can do or just wait?


Well-Known Member
the only cure is to lay off the water for a while and pray she makes it. Try to wait until the girls look thirsty and you will see wonderous results.


Well-Known Member
Just wait.

That size plant in that size pot shouldn't need any water for 5 or more days.

No little *sips* either!

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Thanks for the fast reply's. so when I water again should it be until I just see a bit of run off or a certain amount, like a few quarts or a gal.? Also was it ok that I mixed the soil around trying to aerate it by hand myself?


Active Member
allow it to dry out really well before watering again then evenly moisten the soil and wait until it drys again and repeat... that way the roots get oxygen between its waterings


Well-Known Member
I wouldnt mix the soil up with your hands when the plant is in the soil lol. Bacteria from your hand can contaminate the soil and cause problems not to mention disturb the roots. If you water it right there is no need to mix the soil up with your hands. Use a watering can with the sprinkler nozzle. It provides more saturation than just pouring the water in there with a container or gallon jug.


Well-Known Member
just wait and don't water again til the soil is dry...to speed drying you can put a bunch of paper towels under the pot, make sure there is a fan blowing across the top of the soil and the plant...and don't water again til the pot is TOTALLY light...like space man light...then you can water again...water let the water drain and then leave it be til it gets light again...


Well-Known Member
I wouldnt mix the soil up with your hands when the plant is in the soil lol. Bacteria from your hand can contaminate the soil and cause problems not to mention disturb the roots. If you water it right there is no need to mix the soil up with your hands. Use a watering can with the sprinkler nozzle. It provides more saturation than just pouring the water in there with a container or gallon jug.
I always turn the top of my soil with my hands...just because when the top is dry it doesn't mean that the bottom is...


Well-Known Member
OK cool thanks everyone!! well at this point she is looking grim :sad:. I did go and get a 3 phase tester that shows moisture,light, and PH. I don't think the PH is that accurate but I do think it will help me with watering. Also picked up a new bookMarijuana Horticulture: The Indoor/Outdoor Medical Grower's Bible[FONT=verdana,arial,helvetica][SIZE=-1][FONT=verdana,arial,helvetica,sans-serif][SIZE=-1][/SIZE][/FONT][/SIZE][/FONT]. Seems good so far, but a lot of the info can be found on here.IMAG0070.jpgIMAG0071.jpgIMAG0072.jpgIMAG0073.jpg


Well-Known Member
It is fine to start a seedling in a large pot...as long as you are alright with watering and then waiting til the pot gets dry--even if that means a couple of weeks...I have a plant flowering now that hasn't been watered in 2 weeks or so...it is one strain that just prefers to be dry...I also put a 1-2 inch layer of really super super dense cheap ass bagged compost in the bottom of the pot...just because the plant hates to get watered and this stuff was so awful it would hold moisture forever...so I figured why not...and it looks a million times better than the one that is just soil all the way through...like the plant will look great and then you water and it gets a little curly around the leaves...so everytime you water the plant looks worse..but if you just put it in something that stays wet a little longer there is no issue..so...now I know that this one plant needs a layer of shit soil on the bottom to look great on top...lol