Overwatering or something else?


Active Member
This is my first time in rockwool after several successful runs in a soiless medium. I am using 40" slabs hung vertically with 4 girls per slab. all my climate conditions are right, constant 76F, 55%rh, 1500ppm co2 ect. the only thing new to this grow is the medium which leaves me wondering what my watering schedule should be for clones transplanted 2 days ago. to make things a little more interesting the clones where taken in jiffys and not rockwool cubes so they hold moisture well the rockwool dries out much faster. I started watering every 3 hours while the lights where on for a total of 6 times and notice some leafs curling, I took it down to ever 4 hours with little change over the next day, I will now try every 6 hours to see what happens.

Can anyone let me know their watering cycle with rockwool slabs or even cubes.
I've included a pic so the post isn't useless, you can see the new growth curling sideways but i really don't think it is a heat stress issue from lights too close because i am familiar with that and this seems different.



Well-Known Member
When the plant's were first put in did they have a nice root structure, or had they just come through the small one's.When clone's are first put in to a new cube there is no need to have them on such a short cycle has long has the roots that are through the larger cubes do not dry out then they will be fine.Sometime's the plant's will look a little limp after a watering.You say the humidity is ok but is the reading took when the lights are off because this is when it will rise so i would suggest takeing a reading when lights are off.Have you got a spreader matt under the rockwool cubes because this will make a lot of differance this will hold water and allow you to cut the waterings down.One's the root system is nice and growing well then it is a good idea to put the plants on a cotinues flow of water/nutrients.....................tyke..........................


Well-Known Member
you know i havent seen people grow in strait rw slabs in awhile, its a cool endeavor! i beleive that your hanging you rockwool horizontally though, i was trying to picture how you had it vertically and my brain hurt, then i saw the pics and was like oooo ok


Active Member
it hangs vertically but for the pic i took it out of the stadium and layed it down if you really want to see how it hangs i can take a pic for you.

the clones had nice roots when i planted them and no twisted leaves, the RH is constant day and night and I have plants in pots in the room as well so the only differrence between those and the ones im having trouble with is the medium they are being grown in. Are twisted leaves like that a sign of overwatering? The only thing i can think of is the irrigation cycle that could be affecting them combined with the fact that they where in jiffys so the little bit of earth that surrounds the base is constantly wet even though the slab is getting dry.