Overwatering Pics? Examples?


I got a question, so I am sure I am overwatering my one plant cause it looks like these pics with the brown spots taking over the leaf and drying out. The only leaves that are affected are the big fan leaves. Is that normal and if they started turning will they come back or they're a loss


I hopefully got the watering down and have tons of new growth in the last few days so hopefully I'll be good thanks guys for the help. Anyone know how to fix my problem of going in my room and staring at my plants?


Well-Known Member
I hopefully got the watering down and have tons of new growth in the last few days so hopefully I'll be good thanks guys for the help. Anyone know how to fix my problem of going in my room and staring at my plants?
Ahhah, nope... And don't try to smoke so much you don't think about them,, you'll just go in and fuck them up all stoned, Lol, good luck man!
I am new to this and learning but this is what overwatering looks like. I now have a mtr and can see the level of water in the soil. The surface soil was dry due to the temp and lights but the pot still held lots of water even with drain holes.

