Oxypot (dwc) Question


Active Member
Hey everyone When changing the water in a oxypot how do u go about doing it do u just take the plant out of the bucket and into something else while the water is change and airstones are cleaned/uncloged or can u not move the plant like that ( was thinking of having 2 oxypots(or 2 homemades) and changing between them )?

or do u just pump the water out and take the airstones out and clean them and leave the plant however long it takes u too do it without the pump on ?

Is a regular water change needed in a oxypot when useing microbe supplements would once a month be anough ( change water completely and unclog airstones and clean them just topping up each day) as i wouldent want too change it before the mocrobes have had chance too work, or would this not matter would only use them at the start of grow and at start floweing for about 2 weeks each i use AN voodoo juice.

how do u guys change the water in your DWC systems and do any of you use anything like voodoo juice in them
sry for the noob questions :P


Active Member
I myself lift my lid with my plant on it and switch it to an empty bucket while. I clea it out and get my new nutes and water etc blah blah blah...... fr that bucket. And of course chec my ph last


Well-Known Member
Smokey: I like to keep it simple and I'm lazy. I have an extra bucket with air stones and lines already installed. It's already cleaned and all I have to do is fill it with fresh nutes and switch the lid. Hydrohaze's idea of changing your nutes weekly is good advice and if you figure a way to do it without getting a hernia or busting your ass you won't mind doing it. Just make sure you keep your buckets, air lines and stones clean. If you do it right away its' a lot easier. I hope that helps. HSA