ozone generator queestion


Well-Known Member
Ozone is a natural component of the air we breathe each and every day. It is created when oxygen molecules are split into two separate atoms by ultraviolet radiation from the sun, lightning and electric arcs. The freed atoms recombine in three-atom groups to form cousins of oxygen -- or ozone.
Most people associate ozone with either the beleaguered upper atmospheric filter layer that protects us from solar radiation or with ground level air pollution. Ozone is indeed present in smog, because certain processes that create pollution also produce ozone. Consequently, increased pollution results in high ozone levels, but ozone specifically, is not the culprit. Because ozone levels have a direct relationship to levels of chemical pollutants found in smog, it is used as an index to monitor outdoor air pollution. This is why there is a misunderstanding in reference to ozone. Photochemically made ozone mixed with smog chemicals is an unhealthy soup mix of toxins, and should not be breathed. On the other hand, generated low levels of ozone, for use in air and water purification, has many benefits to offer mankind.
Ozone is one of the most powerful natural sanitizers and deodorizers known to science. Ozone (activated oxygen) doesn't merely mask odors and harmful substances, it seeks out and eliminates them at their molecular source.
Average outdoor ozone levels in unpolluted areas are between .03 and .05 parts-per-million. The highest naturally occurring levels are found at seashore, forest and mountain locales, places people go to vacation and feel refreshed. The fresh, invigorating air after a spring electrical thunderstorm is ozone. So is the smell of air-dried laundry on a clothes line.

Ozone, one of Mother Natures' most powerful air purifiers is missing in our often highly polluted indoor environments

Ozone is missing in our modern indoor environments, but pollutants are not. Ozone reacts with and breaks down the sources of unpleasant or hazardous indoor odors and chemicals. Chemical pollutant sources, about 99 percent of which are made up of "unsaturated" molecules, can take on additional molecules such as ozone (cigarette smoke as an example, with its 3,600 plus chemicals). The reactive ozone molecule soon breaks the pollutants down into their basic molecular components, thereby neutralizing them. Having given up its unpaired third oxygen atom in the process, the ozone molecule itself becomes plain oxygen again.
Bacteria, molds and fungi (mildew), which can cause unpleasant odors, allergic reactions and sometimes disease, are killed when they react with ozone. As with chemical pollutants, the outer membranes or shells of these microorganisms contain receptors that can absorb ozone, which proceeds to break them down. Without its protective membrane or shell, the bacterium, mold or fungus dies. Viruses are also killed by ozone.
Is ozone safe? Like virtually everything -- even oxygen -- ozone can be harmful if you're exposed to too much for too long. Natural outdoor ozone levels in clean environments vary between .03 and .05 parts-per-million. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) declares .05 ppm as the safe level for 24-hour-a-day inhalation. This is a conservative standard, since natural levels of ozone often reach .065 ppm -- 25 percent higher than the FDA's "safety" limit.
Tests have shown that common household bacteria, mold, mildew, and fungus are greatly reduced by the addition of as little as .05 ppm of ozone in typical household environments. Specifically, E-Coli, Salmonella Choleraesuis, Staphylococcus Aureua, Candida Albicans, and Aspergillus Niger have been shown to have dramatic reductions in population in independent laboratory tests.
Also, in a series of studies published in the journal Priroda (1976), the Russian Department of Health established a number of important facts concerning the use of ozone in closed indoor environments.
They established that air loses its basic "freshness" quality merely by being drawn into air conditioning and heating systems, with as much as 90% reduction of the ozone and ion levels. They established that the effect of the loss of these elements could cause the occupants to complain of headaches, weakness, and a general poor feeling (what we would identify as sick building syndrome). As a part of the study, they found that after five months of testing with both a test group and a control group, that a feeling of well being returned to those exposed to an ozone level of .015 parts-per-million. At these same levels, they were able to observe increased immune potential, higher oxygen content in the blood, improved blood pressure reading, and the reduction of many of the stress characteristics associated with working in modern office environments.
They found that by reactivating the air — by the injection of ozone to raise the level to a mere .015 ppm — the overall effect was similar to that of taking an outdoor walk of 2 hours during the day.
In additional studies done by the Institute of Child and Adolescent Hygiene, they concluded that injection of ozone into the air of schools raising the level to .015 ppm has very positive effects on the students. In these tests, 69% of the students exposed to these levels of ozone decreased the time required to complete tasks requiring high levels of concentration. In addition, favorable changes in the functions of external respiration, increases in mental reserve capacities, and overall increases in general state of health and mental efficiency were observed.
These results agree with the results and anecdotal testimonies of users of this type of equipment in the USA and Canada. Testimonies show that with the use of ozone air purifiers:

  • Allergic reactions are reduced
  • Sleeping is improved
  • Non specific headaches are reduced
  • General poor feeling about the environment improved
  • Depression reduced
  • Symptoms of sinus problems resolved
In general, the use of an ozone generating air purifier to reactivate the air results in the same effect as being in an outdoor environment in a clean unpolluted part of the world. With all of these obvious benefits, it would seem that everyone should use this type of device. It is because sweeping generalizations have propagated the myths about the dangers of ozone that wide acceptance of ozone purification and its benefits have been ignored.
A study of all of the applicable literature found in the National Library of Medicine's Medline, Toxline, and Toxback database of ozone was conducted. The search resulted in over 4,500 documents.
A summary of these documents is as follows:

  • High and extremely high levels of ozone result in decrements in lung function. Physiological studies suggest that at these high levels, athletes and children may be sensitive to lung functional changes, and that these changes are largely statistical in nature with no visible symptoms. Tabulation of chamber studies for continuous and intermittent exercise do not indicate lung function decrements of FVC and FEV-1 in excess of 10% (the accepted level of criteria of adverse effect) until levels exceed 200 ppb (0.2 ppm).
  • People with lung disorders and with respiratory problems have no more sensitivity to ozone levels than normal people.
  • There is no indication of adverse effects below 200 ppb (0.2 ppm).
  • There is no indication that there are any long term effects to prolonged exposure to ozone at levels lower than 120 ppb (0.12 ppm).
  • Respiratory problems are more affected by other organic pollutants than by ozone, and ozone has the capacity to reduce those levels.
Considering the safety, the wide range and level of effectiveness, the cost of energy and the make up of our current indoor environment, it would seem that the closest alternative to opening the window (in an unpolluted outdoor environment) is to replace the vitality of the air by replacing the ozone that occurs naturally outdoors each day.

Does that answer your Question?


Active Member
Ganja- thanks for your help! i shall mess around with it.

No drama- fantastic find!! I will def. use the ozone gen


Active Member
Build your own for $11, I did. Buy this and add some copper tubing and you have an ozone generator, if you feel uncomfortable I will build it for a small fee. The only problem is I don't know the exact amount of ozone you will be producing, but it isn't enough to worry about suffocating yourself from my experience.

120VAC (7.5kV Output) Negative Ion Generator-The Electronic Goldmine
can a few of those be added together in the same unit, and powered from the same AC cord?

I was looking at that, or a 7-pin kit with the copper tubes included ($55+ )
Product Information - Shop Ramsey Electronics.com - FREE Shipping! Call (877) 203-5852

but it seems like 2 or 3 of the cheaper units would put out more ions? and cost a lot less



Well-Known Member
can a few of those be added together in the same unit, and powered from the same AC cord?

I was looking at that, or a 7-pin kit with the copper tubes included ($55+ )
Product Information - Shop Ramsey Electronics.com - FREE Shipping! Call (877) 203-5852

but it seems like 2 or 3 of the cheaper units would put out more ions? and cost a lot less

The Ramsy kit is a pretty nice setup and I would recommend it if you want to go that way.

I was going to send a PM to give details on other setups but you don't have your account set up to except them. Thank you.


Well-Known Member
You'll be able to tell long before you do any permanent damage. Ozone will burn your eyes and give you a sore throat as the first symptoms of too much ozone plus the smell will be pretty strong. I doubt anything you buy in the $200 and less category is going to over power your bedroom. I run mine 24/7, if you are trying to stop odors why shut it off ?


Active Member


Well-Known Member
How to use an ozone generator?

A friend suggested that I should run my exhaust vent into a small enclosed space, and put the ozone generator in there. Then run the ozone full-time whenever the fans are running. That cleans the air in the box before it gets vented outdoors.

I have an ozone maker that came with a truckload of other grow stuff. It's small. About 2 inches in diameter and 10 inches long (going from memory). How much electricity does it require? How big should the "box" be? Are there material limitations of that box (metal probably bad)? Would a 3x3 cardboard box be sufficient? Would it be effective for scrubbing the smell of 12 plants in a 6x6 room?

I also received a LARGE canister carbon filter. (It was like Christmas) It's about 5 ft tall. The guy said it's been used for a few seasons and it's effectiveness is in question. The carbon is likely saturated. Can I replace the carbon? What is the specific type of carbon used for air & where can it be purchased? Would using both the ozone and the carbon filter be effective or recommended?


Well-Known Member
personally i would go with carbon filter if yours smell strong, I had some AK47 in veg and i could still smell them when cab was on with my ozone genny. And in flower could smell as soon as walked into apt even with oz running 10 min on/off all day.