Ozone in Dwc


Well-Known Member
Well ozone is a strong oxidant... and ozone generators in close proximity to animals and plants cause damage - or specifically the radicals resulting from ozone cause cellular damage. I'd imagine directly pumping ozone into direct contact with the root system would kill the plant sooner or later.

Are you going to try it?


Active Member
^ yes it is is a oxidizer ....its application isn't all that straight forward nor measurable/stable...
not sure how effective or dangerous it is, but you will need something to measure redox to gain any insight on dosages, effectiveness and shit

might be better off getting one of those cheapo Chinese peristaltic dosers (with built in timer) off of Ebay (or a BRS Doser), hooking it up to bleach, DM Zone or peroxide and applying that to your res over some interval


Well-Known Member
Hi has anyone or is anyone using a ozone generator bubbled through the nute mix?
A better way to do it might be to use it in a separate container then add the water to your system, I'm not sure that there would be a problem if you used it say once a day in your tank as the ozone turns to oxygen in about 30 mins. It may cause problems if you were to run it 24/7 in the tank?

thump easy

Well-Known Member
ya i have when i trim and i use uv light in the water but the worst part is my lung hurt and my thoat hasnt recoverd might have cancer i will see on april first dont do it... use filters i seen a few sights that claim its cool and you'll be ok man i really feel like shit and my lung hurts i got to ozone geniees and i run usto run in the room and one in the dry space and it is no fucking joke health over money gee.. health over money nothing is worth your health im not lien... oxegen molicul laches onto your lung tissue and something happends just like peroxide when 29 32 grade your hands or fingers turn white, well breath that shit and your can feel it in your beathing and in your voice.. dont do it for realz..