PAIN medication, need advice


Active Member
woke up today in agony

pinched nerv or something
cant move my head/neck
partial numbness in left arm

crying like a little girl

this towns wierd, nevmind

im imune to vicadin
percacet works good but makes me racey
ultracet works ok, but it doesnt kill enough pain
morphine doesnt last long enough
methadone is fucking useless
oxycontin is too strong

cant take muscle relaxers cuz of siezure meds

anybody got a suggestion???


Well-Known Member
woke up today in agony

pinched nerv or something
cant move my head/neck
partial numbness in left arm

crying like a little girl

this towns wierd, nevmind

im imune to vicadin
percacet works good but makes me racey
ultracet works ok, but it doesnt kill enough pain
morphine doesnt last long enough
methadone is fucking useless
oxycontin is too strong

cant take muscle relaxers cuz of siezure meds

anybody got a suggestion???
Im really against pills, I use to be a raging hydrocodone freak for a year or so, none of that shit does much for pain for me.

I'd say sweet dank indica MJ would help a good bit.:weed:
Im sorry for yer pain man, I broke my back when I was younge, so I feel it.


Active Member
yeah im not a pill fan either

unfortunatly the last year or two has been a bad year

multiple injuries, (siezed so hard i dislocaded 2 vertabre) untill the paiin stoped i tried alot of pills i never wanted to.

never liked pills, i got a wierd matabolism, nothing does tp me what it does 4 them.

bummer bought your back, i got a few ex mason friends that broke their back doing stone work.

sorry bout spellling im kinda shaky rightr now