Painting sold for $80 million... people have lost their minds


Active Member
Monet water lily painting sets $80M record -

Monet water lily painting sets $80M record
  • Story Highlights
  • $80,451,178 for Monet is most paid for a painting at Christie's auction house
  • Painting was last bought in a 1971 New York auction for $320,000
  • Sale begins week of modern-art auctions expected to set records

LOL i would just go and print it and go to kinkos and get it blown up for $10.00 what a WASTE of money, but then again you could love paintings there nice but not worth $80 million.


Well-Known Member
Am I the only one that thinks its fucking ugly?

Hey i saw this painting in switzerland, bern or something at a ART Museum !

I remember my Teacher saying this painting is worth so much, but its so ugly.. we all laugh'd :)



Well-Known Member
80 mil, what......

im sure the buyer could of thought of better ways to throw away 80 mil. give me a mil an i blow it up for em.

give 70 mil to charity, spend the other 9 mil on a new house build or something, and a nice car an holiday.

stupid idiots..... there are quite a few of them in this world.

80 mil!! think about that. god damn i wish i had that much to just buy a painting.


Well-Known Member
Or one badass grow op... I mean 80 million... come on, private island time again?! :eyesmoke:
whats that film where those 3 ppl grow in a forrest? they see that helicopter shoot that guy.

i cant really remember the story line,lol.

they were trying to sell all their shit but they got paranoid an blew it.


Well-Known Member
80 million dollars to people like you and I is an excessive amount of money for a painting. I agree a print is more feasible.
But if you look at how 3rd world nations look at us. They think were nuts to buy the everyday crap we buy.

If I was a Billionare, I'd be out there buying 80 million dollar paintings, 200 thousand dollar sports cars, Antiques, & collectibles.


Well-Known Member
Ya but even for a billionaire $80 million is a big move...

It above and beyond the normal purchase, considering the biggest mansion are only like 170 mil-250 mil.

I mean some guy/girl just blew a mansion on a single painting, talk about inflating your ego.


Well-Known Member
Ya but even for a billionaire $80 million is a big move...

It above and beyond the normal purchase, considering the biggest mansion are only like 170 mil-250 mil.

I mean some guy/girl just blew a mansion on a single painting, talk about inflating your ego.

If you were a collector, you would understand.
I collect old rock shirts, metal lunch boxes, and old toys (Pre- 1975).

I've paid as much as $800 for an old GiJoe doll.
I've paid $500 for an old Rolling Stones T-Shirt
I've paid $1000 for an old Beatles lunchbox.

Anything can be worth money, as long as their's somebody who's willing to pay for it.


Well-Known Member
there are better paintings to buy for 80 mil...
Monet was alright if you like the fluffy floral pastel kind of art.
80 mil i bet you could buy a chapel somewhere with paintings covering the ceilings and shit.

80 mil he should have gotten a variety pack of paintings


Well-Known Member
there are better paintings to buy for 80 mil...
Monet was alright if you like the fluffy floral pastel kind of art.
80 mil i bet you could buy a chapel somewhere with paintings covering the ceilings and shit.

80 mil he should have gotten a variety pack of paintings
if i had 80 million i would cover my house in dhali.


Well-Known Member
some people have more money than sense. here i am scrounging up change for cigs and manwhoring for a tank of gas-go figure.