papaya...need some info on plant


Well-Known Member
hey guys iam about to start my new cycle and i was wourding if this Papaya | Marijuana and Cannabis Seeds for Growing your own weed. Straight from the breeder. would work for me iam doing a stealth grow this cycle cuse my last one got destrowed out side so iam litimeted on space does the pic. show the whole plant or what ...cuse before i buy them i want to make sure they will fit ....oh yeah if any of yall have growen them please post pic.s of the whole plant so that i can se what it looks like thanks for all the help


New Member
wat are your dimensions? can you keep a mother plant and clones in a seperate area while you bud in another? If you answered yes to the second question it would seem that you could flower a clone at whatever size you need and keep plants as small as you want. Lollipopping seems to work well in small areas.

I have no experience with papaya itself but i have played with Bc mango before and i think there related. Mango is nice, and the stretch during flowering is quite small, I dont think my clones even double in height during flowering.

Good Luck


Well-Known Member
well iam growing in a grow cabinet that is like 42 inches tall and that has the lights in it and every thing so it needs to be small and short i was just going to grow from seeds for the first couple of grows just to get back in to it so what do you think


New Member
so your real grow space has around 2' of room for the actuall plant, sounds doable, but much easier to keep em short from clones, If you can get feminized seeds try a scrog.


Well-Known Member
does any body ever grown them or what and no i dont do clooning right now just cuse i dont have the space