paradise acid & nirvana master kush (organic)


Well-Known Member
You could LST pretty easily by just tying down the stems to the side of the pot. Fim once, and then tie over the 4 tops.


New Member
i am lsting becuase i have to one one of them. idk about it worth giving up a head just to make room for two other flower sights? i did top my basil plant but i think i did it wrong. ended up eating more than i wanted to lolol

if my plants were tall i would lollipop, so all the energy would be sent closer to the lights. to do it right though i hear you need to trim when you flip the lights to 12/12. you need to cut the branches close to the main stalk to get rid of a good amount of flower units



Well-Known Member
i am lsting becuase i have to one one of them. idk about it worth giving up a head just to make room for two other flower sights? i did top my basil plant but i think i did it wrong. ended up eating more than i wanted to lolol

if my plants were tall i would lollipop, so all the energy would be sent closer to the lights. to do it right though i hear you need to trim when you flip the lights to 12/12. you need to cut the branches close to the main stalk to get rid of a good amount of flower units

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If you top generally you will get two smaller colas instead of one, but it will let the other side branches catch up so they are more level with the new dual colas as well. I personally do not like those massive baseball bat colas myself. I would rather have 10 smaller colas that one massive one of the same weight. For one thing they easily rot. Another thing is they tend to have a lot of leaf material in them also. Plus if you fim/top/train your plant generally will stretch a bit less. They will be bushier, and have a littler worse airflow, but you're kinda pseudo scrogging without the screen. Just trim up some of the bushy trash that will clog the middle of the plant if it's big enough for that and let it go. I know you're against trimming leaves but there is a time and place for it in some circumstances. Better air flow will stop things like mold that can destroy easily half a crop in 50%+ RH.


New Member
very true..bigger sugar leaves..longer dry times..and i have seen the green house guys cut the tip of a cola off it stop its vertical growth..i will consider it for my situation.

do you think if i top once before the stretch it will halt vertical growth?


Well-Known Member
When I top I like to do it fairly early like after the 4th set of leaves or so. It won't stop vertical growth but it will spread out the vertical growth to the other branches. You want to give it a bit of time to let the two new colas grow out and get established though so they are ready for flowering.


Well-Known Member
I'm joining the bmeat support system. Tired of seeing all these f'ing hypocrites bust your balls for offering help (even though you may not be the most knowledgeable) then jacking your threads with negativity and useless information. This forum is supposed to be to help others and provide input and suggestions, not attack and berate others.
On another note, plants look nice and healthy. How much room are you working with? Also a 1/4 per plant would last me quite a while as well if I grew 5-6 plants. I'm not the heaviest smoker, but like you would enjoy having a nice personal mix. I've got 3 going right now (g13ww, chemdog, pog kush), but luckily my closet is 10+ ft tall so I've gotten to veg my biggest one up to 30 inches already! Progressing to 12/12 now by lessening the light time 2 hours every other day.
Keep up the hard work!


Well-Known Member
i am lsting becuase i have to one one of them. idk about it worth giving up a head just to make room for two other flower sights? i did top my basil plant but i think i did it wrong. ended up eating more than i wanted to lolol

if my plants were tall i would lollipop, so all the energy would be sent closer to the lights. to do it right though i hear you need to trim when you flip the lights to 12/12. you need to cut the branches close to the main stalk to get rid of a good amount of flower units

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You topped a basil plant? Interesting... how did you top it specifically - and how long pre/post prune was it? This should be quite interesting, definitely wish to hear the answer to it. :D


New Member
I'm joining the bmeat support system. Tired of seeing all these f'ing hypocrites bust your balls for offering help (even though you may not be the most knowledgeable) then jacking your threads with negativity and useless information. This forum is supposed to be to help others and provide input and suggestions, not attack and berate others.
On another note, plants look nice and healthy. How much room are you working with? Also a 1/4 per plant would last me quite a while as well if I grew 5-6 plants. I'm not the heaviest smoker, but like you would enjoy having a nice personal mix. I've got 3 going right now (g13ww, chemdog, pog kush), but luckily my closet is 10+ ft tall so I've gotten to veg my biggest one up to 30 inches already! Progressing to 12/12 now by lessening the light time 2 hours every other day.
Keep up the hard work!
hey man, in cannabis native environement, there is 14 hours of sun during june and july. then in august, the hours fall to 13, then in sep 12 and in oct to 11. i think you should try and match up with this. going from 18 to 16 to 14 is just a waste, when you could be vegging with 18hrs of artifcial. i barley have anyroom.

i will probably run 14-16 hours of veg for my new batch, then go to 12hrs for a month, then 11hrs for the final month.

and i topped the basil by eating it away one night when i was intoxicated haha!! cut way too much of it away, but oh well, its just basil.

thanks for the support.


Well-Known Member
Bmeat, I was serious with my question.. how did you top the basil plant specifically? What type of basil was it? I assume you did it pre-flower? Did you allow it to get to flowering stage?


New Member
i started to eat away the leaves, it was delicious. and then i figured, what the hell ill top it, and instead of just topping the top, i cut the whole center stalk away. those two new heads were the tiny popcorn/sucker nugs at the bottem.

no idea about strain, its just called sweet basil in a variety pack i got off amazon.

i have no idea how to tell if a basil is flowering. the sex organs are so small. where should i look?2013-02-01_22-04-47_302.jpg


Well-Known Member
i started to eat away the leaves, it was delicious. and then i figured, what the hell ill top it, and instead of just topping the top, i cut the whole center stalk away. those two new heads were the tiny popcorn/sucker nugs at the bottem.

no idea about strain, its just called sweet basil in a variety pack i got off amazon.

i have no idea how to tell if a basil is flowering. the sex organs are so small. where should i look?View attachment 2527894
If it was delicious, I'll assume it didn't flower yet. You'd start to see basil flowers at the 70-75 day mark, all things the same. The basil flower looks like this: 450px-Basil_Flower2.jpg
Said basil flowers really tend to stand out, you can't miss them in the least bit - to keep the plant in vegetative state(which is what you want), destroy all flower growths as they start to form. If you do allow it to flower, although the basil is still edible.. it will be quite bitter, and nothing like the vegetative state growth.


Well-Known Member
your using to many nutes or your soil has already came with to much in it.Your plants look stressed.Even with cfls they should look alot happier than that.The ultra dark green colour and contorted appearance of the leaves is not right.... try plain water from here on until it sorts itself


New Member
i use an empty soil starting with peat moss perlite and lime, and i make a super soil.

on top of my super soil, i have only fed the plant twice with fish protein its entire life.

my last paradise acid has sadly died becuase of the paper towel method.

i am germinating one of my own bred seeds, a hindu kush x jamaican sativa to take its place.


Well-Known Member
Dude i'm not hating ,i want you to advance yourself,everyone should be able to experience the beauty of a healthy cannabis plant.I'm just telling you your obviously doing something wrong.Healthy cannabis does not look like that.Maybe it's this fish stuff you give it.I think you ought to stop deluding yourself and try and work out whats wrong.Them plants are alive ,they are not living...


New Member
noted. thank you.

and wow..i didnt know basil grew like that. thank you so much, that is new knowledge.


New Member
they are sprouts. paradise acid is flowering. and my own bred kushjam is sitting in water till i get home and put it in soil.

running all regulars. my last feminized acid seed died because of paper towel :/


Well-Known Member
noted. thank you.

and wow..i didnt know basil grew like that. thank you so much, that is new knowledge.
Yup, it does grow like that, and welcome.. just don't let it hit flower.. and use it before it goes bad after pruning - and you'll never have bitter stock to work with. :D


Well-Known Member
i have no idea how to tell if a basil is flowering. the sex organs are so small. where should i look?
Basil will flower at the very tips of the branches, and look kind of like tiny bunches of pistils, or a wad of hairs, kinda purplish about the size of a pencil eraser. I keep them pinched off, because once any plant starts to flower and fruit/seed, all it's energy goes there. Since you grow basil for foliage keeping the flowers picked off gets you more foliage.

My indoor basil I keep about 12-14" tall. Sometimes I'll take a whole stem, sometimes I'll give it a haircut and take 3" off the whole top. It's the easiest herb in the world to grow, the more you cut it the thicker it gets. I started 10 herbs from seed today for outplanting, and always keep 5 inside year round.