

?? what happened to this ? the first time i get busted and have an empty pipe on me, its a misdemeanor para. charge. the first time i get busted after turning 18 years old, its a misdemeanor possession charge?

whats with this shit ?

had been drinking a little. well long story short, i get pulled for NO reason.. they do a sobriety test which i passed and then blew a .03. they find my bowl empty (had not smoked out of it all day, had my friend throw it in my subwoofer box and they find it) but THEY LET ME GO on a DUI and give me an alcohol and MJ possession charge instead?

what kind of shit is this?! should i fight it ?


Well-Known Member
yes you should.

they can't charge you with alcohol possession if you do not possess alcohol.

how did they search your car? whenever you deal with police you have to lock the car when you get out and roll up the windows.

if you blew less than the legal limit and you passed a field sobriety test, then you should've not been charged with DUI. it's another story if you blew .03, but were stumbling around and slurring. the legal definition of being impaired can be either being over the limit or just acting drunk while being under the limit. sounds like you got screwed by an over-zealous cop.

get in touch with NORML.


the guy with me had a 40 oz. but he's 21. then said i was swerving witch i wasnt. then said the reason he stopped me was because of my busted bumper..

the funny thing was is when i was doing my abc's i stated "ABC 123 OOPS I MEAN DEFG" and he didnt say shit.

the legal limit in the states is .08 but when u're under 21 it's .01. either way i got off on that, but got slapped with a possession charge


Well-Known Member
If the pipe had residue that's probably why you got a possession charge, but that doesn't mean it has to stick. Most states require that substance be lab tested, which being cheapskates they will try to avoid. Get an attorney and make sure it happens. If you're lucky by the time it's tested they wont have enough left for evidence.


i went to court in late april and got charged but what im saying is, is there any way to appeal it ? when i was 17 i got busted with alcohol and a pipe that had resin in it. i got a paraphanelia charge then, but then i had a lawyer also.


convicted lol. about $1200 in fines, rehab, community service, no license for a year all that dumb shit


hah no shit right. a week after court i was playing football and hit an off-duty cop's car and he bitched about it and took me to court and add another $250 to that