Party Cup CFL Grow


Well-Known Member
Maybe you should harvest now so you have something dried and a bit cured for christmas man. It sure looks delicious :mrgreen:

Here's some kush for ya :peace:



Well-Known Member
That looks great NG :weed:

i can wait till Christmas, she still has some time, maybe some time in the mid of the week we'll see :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
Hell yah man we have a Violator Kush that is a cross between this Hindu Kush and Manala. The buds look like that but bigger and no leaves all bud, its friggin' awesome I can't wait to stick one into flower. You get some props for you party cup grow bro. :weed:


Well-Known Member
well i just cant wait to cut her down, so i took a sample haha, the weakest of the lower shoots :weed:


Active Member
[QUOTE="SICC";3551223]well i just cant wait to cut her down, so i took a sample haha, the weakest of the lower shoots :weed:[/QUOTE]

Stay strong SICC!!! :weed:


Active Member
[QUOTE="SICC";3551223]well i just cant wait to cut her down, so i took a sample haha, the weakest of the lower shoots :weed:[/QUOTE]
imo you should never do this, your plants putting energy into healing the wound instead of creating mroe triches.
be patient that weak lower shoot will pack on wieght.triches


Active Member
[QUOTE="SICC";3549494]shouldnt be a problem but your gonna have to wait for everyone else at the end haha, you'll have the first recorded weight, for the comp, i'll get the thread put together tomorrow, i jus re up'd so i can get shit done :)[/QUOTE]
sick shit.i have 2 already planted in peat-pots(that are just smaller then beercups)im thinking ill do this as a practice go, and start the real comp. entry in the next week...peace


Well-Known Member
sick shit.i have 2 already planted in peat-pots(that are just smaller then beercups)im thinking ill do this as a practice go, and start the real comp. entry in the next week...peace
sounds like a plan to me

dam those look like some tasty buds! can't wait to see harvest!
tasty indeed :weed:

When you cut her down, invite me over so I could bring an Herb-Iron and we could sesh.
Im down homie i wanna try that iron out haha

Stay strong SICC!!! :weed:
Im trying :)

i have weed but i want something to smoke at least on Christmas

imo you should never do this, your plants putting energy into healing the wound instead of creating mroe triches.
be patient that weak lower shoot will pack on wieght.triches

if it was a plant worth not picking on, trust me i wouldnt, its not like this is some beast of plant that i need to save every last bud site, im waiting till the 25, shes ready to come down now, i could harvest her tomorrow if i wanted, the weight is already there, if anything i lost maybe .1 in weight lol


Well-Known Member
yea i'll probably do it and show peeps the steps i take. I was was going to do it when i tookthe sample, but i decided not to


Active Member
[QUOTE="SICC";3551409]yea i'll probably do it and show peeps the steps i take. I was was going to do it when i tookthe sample, but i decided not to[/QUOTE]

ah thanks man .. that would be worth to watch .
and hows that competition thread goin ? still lazying it up ?
hehe :P

if u need any help with it , PM me mate.


Well-Known Member
lol i actually went bac and to your post with your suggestion for some idea's, feel free to post anything


Well-Known Member
there should be a max veg period... 12/12 from seed or 3 weeks veg something like that.
hydro or soil (saw someone constructed party cup DWC WTF?!)
CFL only i'd say for fairness sake. party cup under HPS may have unfair advantage for yields.

that's all i got for ideas.


PS if you don't need your trim, i'm stockpiling to make butter...


Well-Known Member
LOL i will be using my trim ;)

I was thinkin we can have the best Yield, and best looking plant for the winners. we can do best yield for CFL and HPS too, cause i kno more peeps with HPS are gonna get it on it, so we can just separate the CFL and HID weights, tho just cause you have a HID dosnt mean your will yield more since its just a part cup and not like a gollon pot or whatever, i guess it will come down to luck and skill

I would say too that any light schedule is fine, cause not everyone if going to do 12/12, or veg the plants


Active Member
well i actually was wondering about the shot glass u (and i) decided to grow in . one thing comes to mind .. drainage ?
dunno about u , but shot glasses here are .. well ... from glass :) so poking holes in it can be quite a prob .

also for the rules of the competition - i would categorise it to (mix spec or )HPS / CFL / LED (if there are any..)
so like there would be also a comparisem betwin the 'winners' and thier dry weight.
and limit if everything goes , or a kind of training (during the time that is given) is allowed or not ...


Well-Known Member
uhhh i vegged for 3 weeks, took them 2 weeks to show sex, tomorrow is 8 weeks flowering, since they showed :)