Passive or active intake?

Need some input on ventilation for a 3x3 tent with a 600hps air cooled hood.if using a 424 6in fan to pullthrough carbon filter,hood,and out tent.Would it be better to use mabey a 170cfm fan for an active intake or just go with passive intake? does either or sound like a good set up?


Well-Known Member
id say maybe get a small pc fan, u can get them for a few dollars if ur really that conserned. Is there a fan inside ur tent for circulation?, if ur looking into ur grow tent every day then u should be alright for passive, if ur leaving it closed for days at a time u might want to look into it. Also look into Co2 supplementation


Well-Known Member
Your instincts are right. Go with the 170cfm for active intake. The more air coming in means more co2 but I agree with Bigolbong, you should look into co2 supplementation.