past 1st piss test failed 2nd didnt smoke


Well-Known Member
i got busted growing on sept 15th and now i get piss tested about twice a week. not the instant ones but the ones they send off to the labs. let me break this down to ya.

last day i smoked was sept 15th.
i weigh 250lbs.
got piss tested the 17th and had a thc level of 317ng
i got piss tested sept 21st and i passed it. i drank alot of water tho and it said my creatine levels were very low.
few days later they tested me again and i didnt water down my piss and it came back sayin i had a thc level of 241ng but i hadnt smoked since before they started testing me. now there trying to say i did smoke. they also tryed to tell me the half life of thc for everyone is 1 day. but on the back of the paper the resulst came on it says that heavy smokers can keep a level of up to 250ng for 21-30. i was a heavy smoker and a heavy person being 250 pounds.

i need some facts to help me convince them i hadnt smoked. the lab must have fucked something up of it must not have been detected in that one i passed cause it was so watered down.


Active Member
damn 2 times a week thats seems extrem..... i only hav to pee when i gotta go to court.....but i passed my first....but they thouth i watered it down some how because the specific grav. was all off..... but that was from this detoxic shit i got... whatca faceing....... like 7+yrs....... get them levels down man..... run swet that shit up....drink water, cranbarry juice and shit like that.... nicine... the bail jumping shit... isnt wroth it..... pass the next one.....

good luck!


i weugh about t he same has you maybe even a little more in like 255 and i can pass a drug test all the time after not smoking for atleast 10 days