Patient getting paranoid


Well-Known Member

She's almost 50 and had not tried it since high school.

Lots of med issues and about 6 different meds including Zolpidem (ambien).

Gave her a sample of Hawaiian Lights. Her hubby got her a small pipe.

Saw her 4 days later and she was practically jumping for joy. She seriously loved it. Even with the Zolpidem she wakes up multiple times per night. Now she was able to sleep till morning without waking up and she felt great.

Made me happy as this is the type of person I grow for.

So she bought a 1/4.

Saw her 4 days later and she wanted to know what was different. Told her nothing, same plant. She said she got really paranoid and is now afraid of it.

Would switching from the pipe to a vaporizer help in that she would be better able to moderate her intake?

Sorry for the long post.



tell her to take a smaller hit. Especially in the morniing, I tend to get really high with 2 hits. Tell her to start small.


Well-Known Member
The odd thing is she was fine at first, then got paranoid the second week.

Thx all, going to see her now and will pass the advice.


Active Member
Like most people, she might have thought, "little = good, more = better."
Or she could be inhaling more smoke even though she thinks the hits are the same size, which is a newbie thing. As she has practiced smoking, she has become better at, breathing deeper, holding more smoke in, maybe. She will have to learn to pay attention when smoking not just puff away, especially with medical grade cannabis.


Well-Known Member
All is well.

She got a G Pen clone. Exposed heating coils so it's a semi vape / burn.

Holds very little and kept her from over doing it.

thx again


Well-Known Member
glad everything is working out now. what i think may have happened is she enjoyed it so much that she decided to up her consumption. then she experienced paranoia. you should tell her the cannabis she's using is of a high quality and she needs to closely moderate her intake.

best of luck to you and respect for what you're doing! :leaf:


Well-Known Member
I have had some experience in the past with mixing pills with medical M.J. I found that when I was on the pills and I would smoke I would sometimes get a lot higher than other times while smoking the same amount of the same strain. I think that depending on the pills taken, the high can become much more intense than expected.