Payment method used to order seeds HELP?

:cry:Dont know if this is the right place to put this question but here it is. I went to order some seeds off of attitude seed bank and got my order all filled out, got the price ran up to walmart bought a visa money card. only to find out that the piece of shit is only good in the states.

Just wondering what payment method you used? Dont have a credit card thats why i bought this card. is there a prepaid money card that is good internationally use or not?:cry:


Well-Known Member
:cry:Dont know if this is the right place to put this question but here it is. I went to order some seeds off of attitude seed bank and got my order all filled out, got the price ran up to walmart bought a visa money card. only to find out that the piece of shit is only good in the states.

Just wondering what payment method you used? Dont have a credit card thats why i bought this card. is there a prepaid money card that is good internationally use or not?:cry:

You gotta go the post office and get an international Money order :hump:

Sometimes the seed vendor like the MO blank, except for your info.

Call/write them first and ask them. :)


Well-Known Member
some cards do work internationally, you have to be careful to check
i've seen others that have used visa gift cards to order seeds, you may need to register the card online to setup name and address to match shipping info


bud bootlegger
i knoiw that some of the prepaid cards work overseas, and others don't.. you have to make sure to ask before you buy... a lil late now i know, but.. i have also heard that if you go online wth that walmart card, there is a way to register the card so that it can be used over seas, but i have never done so myself, so not sure how you would do this..
i am sure there should be a thread on here somewhere that would list some of the brands of cards that can be used internationaly... or mayb do a google search for prepaid cards for international use and see what you can find that way..


Well-Known Member
try an american express prepaid. I used my bank card too, just used stealth shipping through attitude. No problems


Active Member
I just got my order today from Attitude it took 16 days into the states. I was a little concerned because it seems to get hung up in customs. However, received it with no issue.

I used a prepaid Visa card from a company called Visa Only 1. I found it on one of those gift card racks at my local grocery store. They had a few different types I got the one for travel it's pretty obvious it can be used internationally. I still had to register it online, with social # and everything so stealth wise it's probably not much better than just using my normal credit card.

I wouldn't send cash internationally you're just asking to loose your money that way.