PC Grow.. Advice needed


New Member
Alright guys,
So i'm completely new to growing and also posting..
I have been researching PC grows for a while now and finally thought I had finalized the design. However I opted to use a 'multi-socket' plug adapter secured to the top side of the box, I recently read that this can cause a potential for shorts and even fires? Some advice from experienced growers or PC growers would be greatly appreciated... How dangerous would this method be? Any simple alternatives? Also any other general advice is welcome.
I await your replies! cheers.:weed:


Active Member
if you are referring to a power strip/ surge protector like this onepowerstrip.jpg

I used the same in my first grow in a pc box and didnt have any problems. I had 3x 23watt 6500k cfls plugged into it the whole 7 week veg and then flowered with a cheap chinese led inside an old HP medium tower. Never got shocked, never had it trip or short out. I also had the power supply for the 3 fans in the same strip.


Well-Known Member
I just don't get PC grows....hell, I'm a computer tech and I don't get it. PC cases are around 20" tall....subtract 4" for lights, subtract 6" for a small pot, subtract 2" between light and plant and you get at best a 8" plant. Even with training how much weed do you get? An eighth? That's a ton of work for very little weed.

I used dead PC cases to set my pots on....not in.


New Member
Alright thanks for the quick reply, such a relief to know that you didn't have any problems with this method as I was starting to think i would have to start from scratch!:-P
Do you know what level your humidity was at? As this seems like the main factor which could cause problems.
Would you recommend the 3x23W CFLs also? As that is the one decision I have left to make, could I go less to save on bills or could a couple plants take a bit more encouragement.....
thanks again


Active Member
My humidity levels stayed around 25- 40%. I would say to go with a single larger lamp, I was able to pick up a 55watt @ walmart for $10 and home depot has 65watt cfl's for $18.95. A single bulb will focus more lumens on a specific area, takes up less space and frankly less complicated. But at the same I've purchased a 3- pack of 23 watters' (69watts total)@ the dollar store.


New Member
I just don't get PC grows....hell, I'm a computer tech and I don't get it. PC cases are around 20" tall....subtract 4" for lights, subtract 6" for a small pot, subtract 2" between light and plant and you get at best a 8" plant. Even with training how much weed do you get? An eighth? That's a ton of work for very little weed.

I used dead PC cases to set my pots on....not in.

  • I can certainly see your point, however I can't actually answer your question... keeping it on the low down is a major factor hence why it's really my only option, for me though it's mainly for fun as after years of smoking i'm intrigued to produce my own as I've only ever seen a grow out in Amsterdam through my own eyes! So it's more about the experience for me and maybe a bonus little smokey at the end!​



I don't get the pessimism people have with PC grows.

Never say never. There have been people who have pulled an ounce from a PC grow box. I'm using a PC box to house clones currently (seedlings and clones due to the size of the case. It was free... so...), fully stealth as well (check my journal. My entire setup mimics a poor man's server box, with functioning CD drive, functioning floppy drive, a network cable to my router, and locks).

There are several options for PC case design. The simplest would be using a surge protector at the top with lights plugged in. It all depends on how creative you want to get. My recommendation is to get a case with -lots- of room for expansion (like a server case or a large tower). This would give you the most space to work with and lots of options for customizing it.

It's up to you on how you build it though. I recommend rigging your own light sockets at the top and making a carbon air filter that works from the inside and exhausts to the outside. LED's to pass off the "PC vibe" work well here.

The two biggest limiting factors will be the creativity of the grower and how much one is willing to spend to pass it off as a computer (cost increases if the grower has low creativity). It can be done and it has been done.

It's just up to you to make it happen. You'll also need some basic knowledge of computer repair, or at least how PC parts function.
I digress though... put your mind to it and it'll work out just fine.

EDIT: FORESIGHT: PC box information is located in multiple journal entries. (Not trying to get you to "lol look at my journal bro see how cool it is?!" Just trying to give a legitimate (and working) example of what you can do with crap pc parts)


Well-Known Member
Listen.....I understand stealth growing. I rent and have to be cool too. I just don't know what the fixation is about growing in a computer tower. If it were me, I'd get two big tupperware totes and stack 'em with a hole through the top of the bottom one. Toss some case fans in there with a 2' T5HO and you can at least have plants that will yield something.

I'm sorry if I'm sounding negative...I really am, and I'm not some troll either. I just shake my head when I see what comes out of many of the PC grows....and hope the grower learns from his/her experience.


Active Member
Listen.....I understand stealth growing. I rent and have to be cool too. I just don't know what the fixation is about growing in a computer tower. If it were me, I'd get two big tupperware totes and stack 'em with a hole through the top of the bottom one. Toss some case fans in there with a 2' T5HO and you can at least have plants that will yield something.

I'm sorry if I'm sounding negative...I really am, and I'm not some troll either. I just shake my head when I see what comes out of many of the PC grows....and hope the grower learns from his/her experience.
I do get what you're saying, I started with a pc grow partly because I got hooked looking at pictures on riu and partly because I had an old tower laying around.
I slapped mine together from spare parts and maybe $15 of materials and got my lil grow on which only yielded me about 7 grams cured. Didn't seem worth the while to me and I quickly upgraded to a much larger series of grows .... but then again I live in California and dont really have to hide my "Legal Medical Grow". If I was in an unfriendly state or country, living with my parents etc ...I would look at it differently.
I dont think I would ever do another PC grow but if the circumstances ever arose I would definitely consider a tote or something similar. My Wife and I smoke daily so a PC simply doesn't yield enough for us.