PC grow box and cfl's...


Active Member
Just built a small PC growbox and I like it better then what I was using...
This girl is around 35 days old and around 30 days flowering,
I topped this girl so I could get to main buds instead of one...now I have a total of 7 bud sites,she is going slow but she looks like she is coming along...
Just ordered some fox farm big bloom and hoping that jump starts the buds...
Anyways,let me know what you think...



Active Member
Here is an update,
She is looking better and starting to look a bit better and I can actualy see some trichs now,lol..Ordered some big bloom and it will be here tomarrow...
She was flowerd at 5 days old or so cause I needed her to stay short ect...
But here are some pics from a couple days ago,
Let me know what u think.,