PC grow case


Well-Known Member
Thanks, v12. :) I was looking at some pics of full grow outdoor DieselRyder.. man, that shit is cool looking! It's like a big dagger coming up out of the soil. 2' tall and just about ALL cola!


Well-Known Member
bluryder 14 days old
and started to do another lst to make it curve to the side also

what you guys think of the bagseed? lst? and bluryder?


Well-Known Member
ok guys i got the other flower box at my neighbor's house hes back in town now so were gettin down to business just started germinating 4 blueryders for his box. that makes a total of 5 bluryders and 1 bagseed. the bagseed and 1 blueryder in my veg box and 4 blueryders at his house. now should we put 2 more blueryders in his box to make a total of 6 blueryders in his box, or is that too much for 4 27 watt cfls? and how much yield you think we can get off both these boxes? just wondering


Well-Known Member
MAN! How old is that guy? It looks like you should see any day now.. Then again, the days go by slow as balls, to me. My plants are soooo sloooow.


Well-Known Member
i hear ya elephantrider...never before has time seemed to go sooooo slow...now it's like everyday lasts forever and the thought that i have at least 8 weeks of flowering to go on my first grow (plus the drying and curing time)...i believe that time will never come...

nice pc grow BTW...that bluryder looks textbook


Well-Known Member
thanks everyone
yeah im really happy there lookin good
i did a lil more LST today check it out
and the blueryder is really starting to shoot up



Well-Known Member
Great pics. Really clear.

I'm a bit surprised that you don't have any sideshoots coming up from the bagseed. You can see them even from the first set of leaves on the blueryder. There's something starting on the bagseed near the bottom, maybe it's just a slow starter. It looks fine though, so nothing to worry about.
Blueryder looks fab don't it? :)
And I'm loving your LST. Once these babies catch a fire they grow like fcuk! That's the only way to tame them.
You were probably right with the seeds by the way. Without fems you need to plant double what you want to grow, so from 6 plants you should expect 2 and hope for 4.


Well-Known Member
i think the bagseed should be showing sex soon maybe a week or 2. its probly a female because males show sex faster.

the BR looks like its growing alot faster then the bagseed. and all its leaves are green.

lookin good so far. good luck man.