People on this forum need to stop trying to cut corners man!

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Sector 5 Moderator
There is not a single mod here to mess with anyone or ruin their good time but all threads are modded. The mods may not post, some never, but they are still looked at. We do have rules; we all agreed to the Terms of Use when we joined, agreeing to abide by their rules. The forum is free for us but it isn't free for the owner. Our duties as mods are clearly defined: moderate the threads and make sure people are abiding by the rules so that everyone enjoys being here. Nobody wants some asshole going behind them, or on their own threads or journal, flaming them, calling them names and making them look like a fool; that's when they start crying for a mod to stop them. I'm a pothead and a grower, just like most of you and I've had assclowns make my life miserable on here a few times and it was a welcome relief when a mod stepped in and deleted their posts. What was not so good were the times I got banned for taking up for myself. I may change my title to "Hall Monitor", LOL.


Sector 5 Moderator
Spencer, this is the best hijacked thread I've ever seen bud. Nice job. ***I think everyone should rep you for it.***


Well-Known Member
damn im glad someone made this thread i was going to myself. im tired of hearing about all these people saying whats the cheapest way to get FIRE BUDS. it cost money to grow good buds that is why you pay more for it. miracle grow and a 40w cfl is not gonna be top shelf bud no matter what you do. i understand people dont have the same budget as others, but if you are gonna do it do it right. also there is a lot of newbies not searching at all just posting because we will answer without much flaming. in other forums ive been on if you dont do a search and ask a repetitive question you just get flamed and linked to the newbie section. come on guys its easy stuff


Well-Known Member
damn im glad someone made this thread i was going to myself. im tired of hearing about all these people saying whats the cheapest way to get FIRE BUDS. it cost money to grow good buds that is why you pay more for it. miracle grow and a 40w cfl is not gonna be top shelf bud no matter what you do. i understand people dont have the same budget as others, but if you are gonna do it do it right. also there is a lot of newbies not searching at all just posting because we will answer without much flaming. in other forums ive been on if you dont do a search and ask a repetitive question you just get flamed and linked to the newbie section. come on guys its easy stuff
Oh wow do your self a favor a god read about 100 pages into it ;)


Well-Known Member
After a 2 day rest im finally back :-D
Got a couple days off school had to make up the drinking i lost due to 3 weeks of school.
Lol i left at page 112 haha 30 pages in 2 days still don't beat out 100page in 2 days record ;)


Legal Moderator, Esq.
Spencer, this is the best hijacked thread I've ever seen bud. Nice job. ***I think everyone should rep you for it.***
I'm not giving him rep for being an idiot.

Oh wow do your self a favor a god read about 100 pages into it ;)
yeah we get someone come in about every 5 pages and say something like that and we're like ok dude go back and post on page 2.


Well-Known Member
Yeah no rep giving he has not said or nothing anything to deserve it rep is earned not just a given. Rep is to easily given i only rep when it is deserved out of respect. :-)


Sector 5 Moderator
I didn't rep him for telling us something we didn't know; I gave it to him for taking it on the chin for fucking up and everybody kicking him to the curb. A person that can do that and still keep a good attitude is worthy of a little rep in my opinion. Besides, if you don't do it, I'll edit your posts and make you look like a dork, LOL. :) Now that would be funny!


Legal Moderator, Esq.
I didn't rep him for telling us something we didn't know; I gave it to him for taking it on the chin for fucking up and everybody kicking him to the curb. A person that can do that and still keep a good attitude is worthy of a little rep in my opinion. Besides, if you don't do it, I'll edit your posts and make you look like a dork, LOL. :) Now that would be funny!
He shows up, acts like an asshole, we tell him to go away, then he leaves for 30 pages. Rinse and repeat.


Sector 5 Moderator
Well, it is his thread that was hijacked. Nobody stepped in to stop the flamers and I'm sure he learned his lesson. Maybe I should close his thread or just delete it.


Well-Known Member
Well, it is his thread that was hijacked. Nobody stepped in to stop the flamers and I'm sure he learned his lesson. Maybe I should close his thread or just delete it.
hahaha oh wow the power tripping has begun.

Go do something worth while lol acting like a dam cop. Got a little taste of power now you think you can go around throwing demands.
You have to be the fast ass kid that doesn't get enough attention in real life. Congrats ;)
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