Pepper Sprouts And Clones


Active Member
i decided i wanted some peppers. Serrano jalapeño and habaneros. right now i have them in the same grow area as my clones. i picked up a seed starter kit with a watering blanket on the bottom from lowes. setup seems ok but could this give me any problems.
im just waiting for my clones to have good roots before they move. theve been in there for 4 days now.
also has anyone tried to grow peppers hydrophonically?

im new to gardening so say if i was to cut a pepper branch and graft it onto my weed plant could i end up with spicy bud or thc peppers? dumb question i know but how cool would that be...

oh yeah hi im new


i started most of my peppers from seed in the growroom, but moved em out after they were established. as far as hydroponic peppers, i am actually considering trying it b/c i dont use my hydro setup for anything at the moment. and no you cant graft a pepper to your weed.