Perceptions about the rise in education costs.


Well-Known Member
So I was listening to CSPAN and some guy called in about the chronic overspending on education, that while the actual students only increased a modest amount, the pay to staff of schools greatly outpaced this. And he went onto talk nonsense about Obama. This was based on something from the 'national review' he said so I looked it up:
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But what I found interesting what the response of the lady they had on. Which basically outlined how little we know about subjects and are quick to troll them when if a little further education on it would clear up the question that was had.

Since 1966, there has been a push to include special needs kids in schooling. Prior to that I really don't know what they did and am sure it was pretty hard for most people with special needs to live in a world that was not built for them to be in. But when that happened it greatly increased the need for specialized people to be hired to help these children throughout the day, changes to building to give wheel chair access, larger doors, special toilets etc, all costs that are not taken into context when people see some numbers and draw meaning from them without the years of study to understand the problems and ways people have tried to overcome them.

Anyways figured I would share.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member

Note: I have no idea what your voting btw. Just thought it was appropriately funny.
If I were going to vote, it would have to be for Vermin Supreme. He's the best man for the job.

Mandatory tooth brushing, free pony for every American, going back in time to strangle baby Hitler...what's not to like?
