Perfect Indica/Sativa Mix


Well-Known Member
Does anyone know what strain possesses the best growth characteristics of an indica, yet has a mostly sativa buzz?


Well-Known Member
i think you can do this by harvesting when the trics or all cloudy instead of 50% amber. Not sure its what i've read on here before.


Well-Known Member
So your saying grow a strain with heavy indica traits(ie. short bushy, broad leaves) but just harvest early to obtain the sativa high. Wont some yield be sacrificed by harvesting early?
I was really wondering which indica/sativa strain mix provides the best indica grow traits while maintaining a strong sativa high. I understand that its a balance in hybrids but i'm sure some strains are better than others at providing the best of both worlds. I'm more interested in getting a sativa high but space is a limitation, so i need a smaller sativa. Anyone have suggestions or experience in a strain that provides these qualities.
I have also considered just growing a mostly pure sativa and then just topping and LST it to fit my area. Would this be my best option.

Any info is appreciated, thanks in advance


Well-Known Member
This does sound like a good strain, exactly what i'm looking for. Thank you for the response. Do you know if this is a trusted seed bank? Do they ship to the US?