Perfect Odour Control Q's


Active Member
Ok so i have a few questions.

A few thing you might need to know 1.5x1.5m tent, 2x 600w hps. I dont care about going down the cheap route if there's extra ways expensive or not i don't mind as long as it can get rid of all traces of smell. Im allowed to setup at a friends but as soon as there is any smell even just outside the room the tent is in, i will have to rip the plants out.

Heat and humidity shouldn't be a problem which as i understand will be major factors for smell

So my 1st question is; Is the bigger the carbon filter the better as i need the house 100% without fail smell proof, ive heard some people say the size of the carbon filter doesn't matter but i feel like if i get a bigger carbon filter(CF) it should make a difference.

Is it the more air i exchange the better? So if i exchange the air for example thousands of times a minute will this help any more? (i actually don't know if this is a lot, or not very much air exchange for smell)

Just how feasible is it for someone else to live in this house without smelling a thing, i would do absolutely anything to stop the smell, now i'm pretty sure when i start growing it wont smell outside but like i said i still need to prevent any smell inside the house, even just outside my grow room cannot smell.

I heard Mountain air(MA) is the best filter from people and they have compared MA to other top brands. It this true?

Would having NO intake fan (i think this is a passive intake) be optimal for removing smell?

Even though my area isnt huge i was thinking a getting a very powerful fan, like a quality 12' fan ( and a 12' CF if i do) , would there be any disadvantages to this? (and will get an even bigger combo if better)

Also even though i really do appreciate any input, its important that you know for sure what your saying is correct, if you not sure please state that your not too sure or you haven't had too much experience.

Thanks to anyone who can answer my queries especially as im new here, and have not yet gave advice myself.


New Member
i have grown indoors for 5 years, i have never had a top shelf filter, and never had any smell issues, i use a simple machine packed filter from HTGsupply(Ebay) the 6X18 with fan was about $90 and the last me for about 2-3 years. just make sure your humidity isnt to high and you have a good prefilter and even the less inferior filters will work and last..


New Member
and remember you want a neg(-) airflow around any opening, use a light object to test all areas, you want any cracks to pull the object not blow it.. and i assume your venting to outdoors..