Personal Attacks


Well-Known Member
Hurray, politics stays as is, and the lack of parental guidence is no fault of rollitup, if the kid lied about his/her age than they raised a liar...


Master of Mayhem
I understand what Hearmenow is saying, but what can we ACTUALLY do about it? There is no way to filter out underage users. All they gotta do is lie.


Well-Known Member
i agree with the kid issue, in real life i would not feel comfortable teaching a child how to grow, so how do you avoid that here?


100% Authentic A$$Hole
Ok here is the way I look at it:

The internet is a gateway to EVERYTHING in today's society. Although I do not agree with teaching kids how to grow there is no way you can regulate the age of people and what not....Honestly if I were younger then 18 and people told me to leave here I would be pissed off. You are nobody to tell someone to leave just cuz the rules say do not enter if under 18...I mean cmon people everything on the net says that. Im 28 and I remeber being 18 and younger and always looking at porn and what not....If you are worried about getting in trouble then I think you got some other issues. I mean seriously who the hell is gonna waste their time busting down a web page because some 17 year old kid was a member here.....if it bothers you then just don't reply...I mean there is no age limit on growing budz or smoking it so in a sense We are All wrong unless you are medically able to do so....All i am saying is lets not make a big deal out of nothing....What is wrong with stoners these days?:hump:


Well-Known Member
There is no way for us to verify age usage unless we validate credit card information, this is based on the honor system on sign up it clearly states you must be 18 years old, however if a person blatantly says they are under 18 then they will be banned until they turn 18, the hiding from my parents thread please report them.

The only reason for this is not because we do not want them to learn it is because I personally don't believe anyone under 18 understands the ramifications of their actions and what a grow could do to a parents house.

I have received under 10 emails from parents now... so this is not a big issue, accounts were banned.


Well-Known Member
The politics sections and tolk and talk sections will be left as is, if you do not now how to debate your side then you shouldn't step into that forum.
Now that is what I call perfectly clear and totally fair. In all other forums respect, honour advise and assist your fellow herbalist, but a political thread HAS to be a bunfight. At least here it can never be a fistfight, and I for one will NEVER complain about vigorous and abusive debate. Bring it on-and I am sure that others feel similar (unless it was one of those right-wing gun nut weasels who complained about me being rude to them).
can I be unbanned now?:mrgreen:


New Member
Personal attacks dont help. We should be above that. But I guess everyone gets angry and says things they should not. Then you need to man up and say sorry.. lets just keep it peaceful!!


Well-Known Member
Luckily the staff have a pretty good idea what is free speech and what is outright uncalled for abuse. :clap: I think that's part of why so many people love this site. Very little Nazi action, mostly good vibes. A few dumbasses here and there.


Well-Known Member
hahahaha... too easy!
What does one have to do? If I have offended any Right-Wing underage rascist gun freaks, then all a chap CAN do is marvel at the delicacy of their finer feelings, and in future try VERY hard not to ruffle them too much. Poor little lambs.
Would an apology help?:mrgreen:


Mr I Can Do That For Half
wow someones parents pmed you about thier naughty kids lol...please post a list of who the user names were for my own personal enjoyment lol