Pest control with ladybgs and stuff


Active Member
A grow was started with a few powerplants in a makeshift room made with wood, panda plastic, tuck tape. In the house my roomie has a dog. I assume thats where the spider mites or whatever came from. It is my first time doing this so i dont know exactly what to do.

I read ladybugs eat everything so i went ahead and ordered the smallest package of 1500 ladybugs and a brand new 6x6x6 grow tent. I saw predetory mites and stuff too but they just sound freaky lol. There is a garden package that has 1000 ladybugs 400 praying mantisis and 1000 predatory mites.

I dont want them all hopping out of the room around the house lol. What do u think about the ladybugs and proper growtent? paid 200 after tax for the tent, i thought it was quite a good deal.

Also right when i get this under control it will be time to kick it into bloom. How much is this going to make my appt stink. I have a carbon filter, but my fan is 145cfm bathroom fan blowing through duct and out of the carbon filter in the end. It seems to be working fine so far..

Any thoughts much appreciated for a noooooooooooobbbbbb +_+


Active Member
I think the predatory mites would work better than ladybugs. From what I've read (here), the Ladybugs aren't really aggressive. The predatory mites seem to be real killers. I haven't tried either myself.

I wouldn't even bother with the Mantises and whatnot.

I just used a product called Mighty Wash, it seems to have worked. Just did it yesterday, I see no activity today.

I believe carbon filters work best when they have air pulled through them, not pushed. You are probably going to need a 6" fan. Either way, reverse the flow so that the air is sucked into the filter and then out the tent.


Well-Known Member
I recently put about 100 ladybugs into my 3x8 grow cab and still had mites a week later. I'm bombing and treating heavily now, and may release predatory mites when I'm done. I'd fork up the extra cash for the right bugs.

Novice, you need to continue treating. You didn't kill the eggs, so you need to be killing them as they hatch before they can lay more eggs.


Well-Known Member
Damn if due to havrest tmrw there's not much u can do. Don't know if washing with mighty wash is a good idea, probably will effect taste big time.

Lady bugs don't do shit for mites either. I let a shit load loose in my grow and all they did was just fuck, run around and chase each other around. From what I heard its the freshly born lady bugs that u want, because they are hungry and will eat everything.

Monterey garden spray (spinosad) is the best thing I've found for pests. Took care of my thrips and mites real quick. Its non harmful to humans also.