pest problem help .. with pics


Active Member
ok i have 3 8day old master kusk plants. i look at the plants today and i seen a really small bug on one of the leafs and i killed it. i tried to look in the pots to see if i saw more but i dont see any. all 3 of the plants were looking good to me up until today now they are starting to look like shit lol. i dont know what to do .. i was also thinking it was the miracle gro seed starting mix i started them with i know the miracle grow is bad but that all i could get at the time ... so some1 please help


iron joint

Active Member
My plants are currently under heavy nute burn from miracle grow. It's my first grow and i didnt know any better.


Well-Known Member
pests can be a nightmare at times. i have just had to deal with thrips. it would really help you out if you do some research into the insect you found ie google the characteristics you have seen. with thrips i didnt know what they were so i googled plant pests small white jumpy grains of rice. These were the characteristics that isaw and after a few hours i found what i was looking for.

the first pic looks like some nute burn but hard to tell. if you think you have pests then i would recommend a full clean down of your grow room remove plants and spray something like a rose clear bug gun around your whole room and allow any spray to settle before moving plants back inside.

look for feeding marks on foliage and look for eggs. if you think your pest is soil bound flush your soil so that it floods a little allow to drain while you are watching, alot of soil pests will generally come up to surface to see whats happening then you can identify what if at all you have and the right course of action.


Well-Known Member
def got a nute burn going on there and loks like your overwatering as seen clearly in 3rd pic serarted edges curling up classic sign of heat/moisture stress


i have white fly and i not think they do any probes but i had 2 cheese seeds i got and in 2 days i lost 12 of the seedlings to there larva loll :cuss: need some help to kill them i cannot brake there breading chain can i need some 1 to give my ant tips to kill them i took out 1 of my plants last time and the sole was covered in eggs i think they slow the buding prosses down only a bit but thats not good in any way i use fly papers and tomato plant pest sprays but they always come back i must treat
sole plz help. :eyesmoke:


Active Member
def got a nute burn going on there and loks like your overwatering as seen clearly in 3rd pic serarted edges curling up classic sign of heat/moisture stress

so do you think i should flush them since its clear to you thats its nute burn ? or