Pesticide, Pest Situation, Mites...HELP!

gr33n thumb

Well-Known Member

My previous grow was infested with mites and aphids due to using clones that had been outside...Now am Indoor, Pantry 3.5 x 3.5 x 9 1000w, Coir Soil... used neem oil and killed a lot of them...

Now, my second grow (ScrOG) I have 2 more clones and noticed 1 single white fly flying around and havent spotted others...
I am currently 19 days into flower....


I ordered some Doktor Doom Pyretherum (or whatever) Fogger...Is this safe to use on the plants, and will it effect them in any way shape or form even 19 days into flower?...

I think the longer I wait Ill start to see more pests... Could there be reminant aphids and spider mites from the previous grow, even though I used a lot of neem oil (too much).

Thanks Again.

Also I am gonna get some current pics up in my grow journal if you wanna check it out...the links are in my signature below.


oh really???

Well-Known Member
no. . . if you need a fogger it's because you have an infestation. just use Einstein Oil. it'll work. i was advised to not use a fogger unless you have a big problem with insects. i had an infestation of mites ( i mean hundreds per plant) and looked into fogging (bombing) the plants but the hydro guy said no, i used pure neem and presto, pest free.